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city of Roseville <br />Internation Sister City Committee <br />Wednesday, October 3, 1996 <br />= Present: Tom and Virginia Turba, James Boardson, Martha Hardesty, Carol 5tark <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: The exchange for 1997 will see students going to Japan the end <br />of July. Japanese students will come here August 5 to August 18, for 12 <br />days. Mayor Dan Wall has gone to Japan. He is taking Roseville gifts with <br />him.. <br />2. Cartago: Things are looking optomistic that 10 Cartago stndents wi11 be coming <br />here for 5 weeks between Dec. 22 and early Feb. Cartago has asked for an agree- <br />ment between the s�hools. Holly would like to Cake Roseville students to <br />Costa Rica this summer. <br />3. The business which Judy thought might be interested/willing to take consign- <br />ments from our Sister City countries has gone out of business. <br />4. Joy�e has talked to Maritza Sloan at Concordia Acadamy. She is interested in <br />some involvement, but needed to talk ta her principle. She has not gotten <br />back to Joyce. <br />5. Joyce and Tom did find a display case. Yt is currenCly at Jim/Joy�e's gar- <br />age. There are minor repairs and cleaning to do. The Roseville library will <br />let us display on a quarterly basis. If no one else in the community re- <br />quests space at �he library, we are able to display our items for another <br />quarCer. The suggestion was made to create a brochure about Sister City to <br />place with the display case. Martha will work on this. A logo also needs <br />to be created. Any one with ideas is encourage to contact Martha or Tom. <br />b. Please find enclosed the current mailing list for the monthly minutes. <br />7. Martha gave a finaucial report. <br />8. Note - Committee officers will elected at our nexC meeting. <br />9, Next meeCing is Wednesday, November 6, 1996. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />�. �c��, <br />,Toyce Boardson <br />