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CiCy of Roseville <br />International Sister Citv Committee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, �eptember 4, 1996 <br />Present: Joyce Soardson, �udi Janiak, Tom.and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: No representative for the group was present. WoYd is that the <br />home stap along with the contzact ceremonies went well. <br />2. Costa Rica: Tom and Virginia recently returned from a nonprofit seminar in <br />Costa Rica to etrengthen the nonprofit sector in CosCa Rica. Wh�1e <br />thexe, Tom and V�rg�nia also had a Sister City meeting with several <br />Costa Rican members. {See enclosure) Ae a result, aeveral activites <br />were discussed. See following minutes. <br />3. Charles 5cott has decided to step dawn as chairman of our S.C. committee. Tom <br />will be replacing him, currently being ahair-elect. We wi�l be misaing Charles <br />and hope Chat he wi�� be able to continue his involvement with us. <br />4. The Lions GZub has expressed interest in "twinning" with Costa Rica. Tom hand <br />carried a communique to Costa Rica. The original fax was never received in C.R. <br />5. Manuel Vargus would like Co bring 10 students if goasib�e, or at least 5 plus <br />himself for 5 weeks. This would be part of an on-going relationship with the <br />Rosev�lle Middle School. Manuel's presents wauld help streng�hen relationships <br />with the teachers, and hopefully get students going to Costa Rica from Rosevilie. <br />The suggested dates are Dec. 21 to end of Jan., and Jan. 2 to the first part o� <br />Feb. Tom wi11 be in touch with Ai Chan, Roseville Area Middle School. <br />6. Tom wi1l contact St. Rose of Lima achool for interested involvement. Joyce wilZ <br />contact Concoxdia High School. Joyce w11i also contact Parkview School to see if <br />they wou�d be interested in establiahing a drawing contest, as mentioned in insert. <br />7. We need to get a display case, as mentioned at previous meetinge. Joyce wi11 con- <br />tact a used retail display furniture company so that sevexal members can go over <br />to look at what they carry. OCher thoughta were to have the achool build one as <br />a class pro��ct. And, see if someone in the community would donate time to make one. <br />�oyce will check out space at �he Roseville library for display area. <br />8. Judy will iook into the possibility o£ having C.R. art work sold on consignment <br />at a store in Galtier Plaza. <br />9. Next meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1996 at City Hali. <br />Res ectf 11y submiCted, <br />��ti.% <br />Joyce Boardson <br />