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City of Roseville <br />�nternational Sister City �o�ittee� <br />Mi���e <br />Wednesday; December 7, 1994 <br />Presen�: Joyce and James Boardson, Judy Janiak, Carol Stark, Tom Turba, <br />Holly Young. <br />Minutes: <br />1. Hol1y reported that there has been no response from Costa Rica on the <br />names, ages, sex, etc. o� the students that are suppose to be coming in�, <br />February for three weeks. Costa Ri�a is wanfiing to send 14 students in- <br />stead of the Z agreed upon in July and to advance Che date by two weeks. <br />Holy sent a Ietter Nov. 11 stating that the number and date can not be <br />changed due ro �hoo�s �hediles�.c� Roseville Jr. High. today �she faxed an- <br />other letter stating that she must have a r.ssponse within 48 honrs(Dec. 9) <br />or canceal the plans £or Costa Rican students in Feb. `95. It was agreed <br />that Boardsons would contact .Manuel Vargus tiliis:.weekend fif there.was �o <br />�esponse by Friday evening. <br />2. Carol Stark from the Japanese exchange discussed how the exchange got <br />star�ed through contacts with shorev.iew. (Shinmache, .Tapan} However, they <br />exchange has not been Cied to a 3ister City and Shinmache is eager to have <br />a Sister City association. The•g�oup unanimounly voted Co accept the <br />Shinmachi group as a part of Rosevil�e Sister City.and expanding our Sister <br />City relationship/activities. The Japanese group has some finances which <br />they were concerned would be diluted by joining.. �lie group agreed unan.� <br />imously that that monies shau�Ed and would be reserved ior Shinmachi acti- <br />vities. <br />3. Charle Scott wi11 be drafting a letter to Roseville City with Carbl's h�lp <br />ta inf�orm the city of our inCentions to adopt Shinmachi. <br />4. Much to the disappointment o£ the group, we still have not received our <br />tas exempt status. <br />5. Aue to the holidays and conflicting aCtivities of the members�present,_the <br />next meeting wi11 be on Thursday, 3anuary 12,_1995 at 6:30, Roseville City <br />Hall. <br />6. Meeeting was adjourned eaxly. If the CosCa Ri�an studenCs do come, we <br />anticipate extra meetings wi�l be necessary to assist with preparations. <br />Repectfu�y submitted, <br />�; - � <br />u <br />Jo c Boardson <br />