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City of Koseville <br />International Sister City Comm�ttee <br />Minutes <br />October 5, 1994 <br />Present: Judy Janiak, Virginia and Tom Turbe, Chaxles Scott, Joyce and James <br />Boardson. <br />Guests: Colleen LesSard and Robert Larson (Travcl Agents International) <br />Minutes: <br />1. Charles announced that we do have our 5tate/Federal I.D. no. Tax exempt <br />status continues to go slow. Hopefully we are on the "home sCretch". <br />However, there is a concern that a 501-A �s being filed instead of a 501 C3. <br />Charles w�11 look in�o this. <br />2. Charles has been notified that Ramsey County representatives are interested in <br />forming a relationship with Japan due to the Ova1 Rink. There will be repre- <br />sentatives at our next meeting. <br />3. Charles suggested that we be thinking of subcommittees as we potentially <br />expand into other countries. <br />4. Robert Larson and Colleen LesSard spoke to the group about potientia�ly ways <br />to fund-raise. Travel Agents International was one way, with a percentage <br />of an air-fa�r {going anywhere) being booked through T.A.I. going to the <br />5ister City Committee. If there was a large enough group, one free ticket <br />wouxd be avai�able, su�h as for the teacher, etc. Other things to consider <br />axe: <br />1) Enter partnership with newsmedia <br />2) Cable TV covezage - Colleen could help us with this <br />3) Develop communications with the Area Chamber of Commerce - Jim will <br />laok into this. <br />4) Having articles in the Rosev�lle Newsxetter <br />5) Get listed in the Donor Opportunity Catalog <br />6) Take advantage of local events, such as Rosefest. <br />Not a11 of these are direct fund,raiseing methods. However, Chey increase <br />our exposure to take advantage oi any monies opportunities. <br />5. Charles will look into getting an article in the Roseville �ewsletter. <br />6. Don't forget �he Roseville City Aprreciation dinner. Tom will see if he can <br />put pictures together from this summer's hosting for a d�splay. <br />7. Negt meetiag w�.11 be on i�Tednesday, November 2, 1994 at City Hall. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />���,���� <br />Joyce M. Boardson <br />