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P�JRPOS£: <br />Sister Citiea Iaternation�l (pri�pal prograzn of tiu Towa Affiliatiaa Associatiosr of tiu U. S., Inc.j is dedicatnd to the <br />�oal of fwtharing 8�oba1 undarstanding by encouragirig and assisting U.S. communitiea end their cmzens to l�nk with <br />similar communiti�es ttu4ughout the world. <br />An af�sliation dcvelops winen sa Americae oommunity o�f' whatever siu or c�racter offirially links with a community in <br />anather nation. Tbo gaal for thc cammunities umvolved is to lcarn mare about each othsr and to d�velop lasting and <br />meanin�ul c�chang�s. The ideal affilistio�a iavolves a large number af citizcns and o�aaizations in both cemmunities <br />�8�8 � �xct►ang� oi poople. ideas a�ad cvltures on a long-term, continwng b�s"ss. <br />Th�e �tional assocaation provides a m�chanism for U.S. cosnmunities to tnter t.�is program by assisti�g ttiem in the <br />process of linki�g with a ctsmmunity in another cauntry. it a�s es a coardinatrnr aad catalyst to enwurage va.rious typea <br />af sisscr cities activities and aerva as a clearii►�g6ause to gather, analyze and share informetioe, reasar�h and icnowlod�. <br />HfSTORY: <br />A�iliationa bctw�een citics in ttu Uaitod States and athtr cauairies began shortly a�tcr 1945, but no real natianal !'ocus <br />vves realia,od upti11956 when President Dwight D. �istnhowcr initiated the Peogla�o-Peoplt program ai tiie Wijitt <br />Hause. Out af this gsew Sister Cities Intcrnationa! whic� hsa essisted mare th$n 870 U.S. cities and oounties, <br />repre.�enting over 125 mii�ion America�, eatablish finks with somx 1.40a communities m 92 other nations af t�e world. <br />M�1+�ERSHIP: <br />Sister Citus In�ernateonal is a tax-eaempt, non-pra�rt organization incorporated in thc District of Columbia in 1967. Thc <br />assoaistion has firre c,abcgories af inernber�hip: Governafent member, Ambaasador Assa�iatian, Individua� meniber, <br />service�Inscitutional mexnber, and corpara�e s�staiain�¢ membcr. <br />Association ac:tivities arc also supported bY Pnvate vonts�'bist'sons, foundation grsoi: asid by futiding su�rt from the <br />U.S. Information A�cacy and the U_S. l�tncy for Iniiernational I]avsJopmont <br />I.F.ADERSH�: . <br />A 3+t member board of direcxars governs Si�ter C�ties Iatcrnational with assistanoa from an international rat�utive <br />bc�ard. 3�e board af directois is camposad of 24 ekded membcza; six direciars appomtod by the presidsAt, with the <br />approval of the baard; ane director clecte� r.�ch ytar by the Natsonal Youth Frogram AssembIy to scrve as the youth <br />repseseat�tivc aud the dean af the Ambassador Asaociatian whv aerv�es for a ane ycar terrn an the baard. 'Ii�ene are 11 <br />offic�rs - a presideni, a chair�man of the board, a�ainaan af thc executiv�e oom�toe, six vieapresidents, a secnetary end <br />h�cas�rer. Tbe 24 c� directors arc clectod gt-large by and from the membcrs}rip af thc a�cociation at t�e annual <br />business session — ci�ht directors �ach ycar far three-year terma. <br />A nation-wida systGm of statn eoordinata�s and st�te level mansgement taams pravides seaviees ta member eities <br />tl�raughout the Uni�d St�tes aad voardiaetes workshaps to aasisi in traimog pro�. 5tate coandinntors are <br />ePPainted by thc SCI board of directors. <br />AC1ZV1'T�,.S: <br />�n addition tv policy. Frogra� d�lopn�t and spc�b�r �ervi�� ttue argan�zaxion cdaord"+naLes and fa�ili�ates several <br />ma}or activities. �y,�: �� � pro�� �� a�io� �p�; youth and educ�ion progranas; spec�al <br />con!'erenoe programs; assistanx in fvrma�iring ncw affiliationa; research aud inforsnution �via, the annual <br />Eisenhower 2nte�nationml Golf Qass� and Eiset�hower Scholasship• �rogram; the Readcr's 1]igest snaual awarci� <br />P�S�� the Kanazawa Sc�olsrship Yrogram for cntseprancuriai aad practical treia�e excbange; and ieadership <br />develoPfnem trainin$ pro�ams• <br />MEETING3: <br />'Ibe assncigtion balds an annual ovnferencx io thz sumn�er which focuses on national and international iasues. The <br />���I eont'erena alt�raetea betwe�n g,ast and W�at o�f the U�itod 5tates. In sddition, state and regional workshops and <br />uaining scminars are bc3d to in�ease pro�ram sl�l� at othet ti�cs af the year. <br />For fiuiher infoc�ation � eontact� <br />'Felephon�: 1-'1'03�5 3(�3535 <br />�� �� ��� . Facsimule: 1-703-$3b-4815 <br />!24 South Fayne Street - -� Telcx: AQ1565 <br />a►�x�a�, va ��� � �'4. �yu�,�: �as�� <br />