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Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />December 4, 2001 <br />PresenC: Jim and Joyce Boardson, Tom Turba <br />!1i.nutES: <br />1. Treasurer's report: Not <br />2. 5hinmachi report: Not available <br />3. Costa Ltica report: Tom continues to work on a trip to C.R. for over the <br />election period. Christine Butterfield, Ass. City Manager, will notify <br />various City Dept.s when more information is available. Please contact Tnrrt <br />if interested in going. <br />Xvonne Blanco Gonzales's father past away. <br />4. New Business: nane <br />5. Information items: none at this time <br />6. Future AeCivities: Fund raising events -- 3oy�e tal.ked to Lonnie $rokke at <br />Parks and itec. There are r.egulations on fund raising. Joyce will obtain more <br />information from the Finance department. Something to think about is if we <br />would have one large expensive item, or several smaller ones to increase the <br />chance of snme one winning. <br />Pokential exposure/fund raising times/events are: <br />1) Annua]_ Home and Garden Fair on Sat., Feb 2, 2002, from lOAM ta 3PM <br />2) Art Show in Mid-March -- not likely as this is a jured art show. <br />3) Garage saZe during Rosefest by the I,ions C1ub <br />4} Community Garage sale -? when/if <br />5) Garden 5how by Lake Owasso Garden Club in Mid-Ju1y <br />6) In Che Park during July 4th/Rosefest activities <br />7) Summer Cancerts <br />8) City Open House -- was in the Fa11 but may be moved to Kosefest. <br />Also, we may be able to increase our exposure by putting pamphlets at the <br />Cedar Golf course and skating rink, along with Parks and Rec. and Visitor's <br />Center. .IQyce will look into this. She will also obtain the rules/regs. for <br />raffles. <br />7. Ongoing business: Joyce has received permissaon to have our display case rahich <br />we had at the library, at HarMall.. We will be able to take it over af[er the <br />second weeEc in January. Please look for items yoti may have that could be place <br />an display in the case. These should not be valuables to others ar tempting <br />items, such as swords from Japan. We want to make nzce signs to put at each <br />item to identify it in the case. --- You w�1i need to provide infor on your <br />ztems for signs to be made. <br />RespecCfully submitted, <br />_�- Q�.�'� <br />Joyce Boardson, secretary <br />