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Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />Novemher 7, 2001 <br />Present: 3oyce and James Boardson, Mary Meyers, Jan Schultz, Tom Turha <br />Minutes: <br />1. Action Items: Joyce distributed Ass. phamphlets to Parks and Rec, slao <br />t� Rosev�lle Tourist Center. She has a meeting on Monday with David Brown <br />at HarMar rental office concerning placing our display case at HarMar. At <br />this time, it looks positive. Joyce will be checkzng the above places for <br />restocking with fliers. �f you happen to see the shelves low, please let <br />her know. <br />2. Treasurer's report: N�t available_ <br />3. Shinmachi report: There is no activities going on at this time_ Usually, <br />exchange activities start up in January. <br />4. Costa Rica report: The Costa Rica/Minnesota Foundation fund raiser was <br />held Friday evening, Oc�. 12. Attendance was down this year, as we11 as <br />funds raised. Tom is sti11 planning a trip to C.R. to co-incide with <br />elections on Feb. 3, 2002. Several people have expressed interest. The <br />group would leave approximately Wed_ or Thurs. beiore the elections. There <br />would be home-stays in Cartago. Departure time is open �o the indiviaual. <br />5. New business: none <br />6. Infarmation items: See under action items. Jzm and Joyce discussed their <br />covversation with a Red Wing Sister C��y member. Red Wing, being a well de- <br />fined area, has a very supportive community, with good working relatianship <br />with the local news paper and several well established businesses. There are <br />several community actzvities (Jim and Joyce met her at the annual Art Fair} <br />where they are able to maintain visibiliry. At the Art Fair, a quil.t was <br />being auctioned off - the newspaper ran an arCicle to help publizie the activity. <br />7. Future actxvities: Joyce contacted Parks and Recreation about city activ�ties <br />where we may have a stand for visibility. There are the city rumage sale <br />sponsored by_ the Lions Club which may be held with Rosefest at the Ova� next <br />year; Art Fair promoted by Roseville ArCs Council; annual City Open House in <br />Oct.; Home and Garden 5how, held Sat., Feb. 2 next year. ThaC's basically one <br />each quarter or season. Joyce will find out more informa�ion on each o£ <br />these activities. The group also discussed with no decision, what we could <br />do for fund raising at these events. We are open to ideas, everyone. <br />8. Nexr �eeting Tuesday, Dec. 4th, at 6:30. <br />Respectlully submitted, <br />�-�- �C��tL��� <br />Joc e Soardson <br />