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Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />October 2, 2001 <br />Present: Joyce �oardson, Mary Meyers, Carol Stark, Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Manutes: <br />1. Past Act�vites: none <br />2. Treasurer's report: not available <br />3. Shinmachi Report: Mary expounded on the great exchange that took place <br />this year between Shinmachi and Roseville. Preparations for next year will <br />not start until January. <br />4. Costa Rica: The annual Friendship City Meeting was held in Kichfield on <br />Sept. lb. Tom, Virginia, and Rich Janiak represented Roseville. The meeting <br />included a tour of Richfield's Sculpture Garder which included a new addition <br />representing L'osta Kica. The Costa Rica/Minnesota Foundation fund raiser i_s <br />lriday, Oct. 12. Tickets are $75.00/person for the Fiesta Benefit. If inter- <br />ested, you can contact Tom for more info. �om is stzll planning a group trip <br />to C.R. for the Presidential Election 2002 zn Jan./Feb. <br />5. �lew �usiness: none <br />6. information Items: `The national Sister City -,Tapan is coming up in Nov. in <br />Calif. Tom has more info if you are interested. <br />7. Future Activities: none slated at this time. <br />8. Ongoing Business: Joyce asked Barnes & Nobles about putting our display case <br />in their store. It is not feasible at this time as within 3-4 weeks they will <br />be "stocking the floors" with merchandise for the Xmas season. Joyce has been <br />unsuccessful in reaching the HarMar office sYaff �on�erning placement else <br />where. The group was in agreement to have the case outside of Barnes & Noble <br />by the railing if we could get permission. It was felt that that would be a <br />reasonable area and reasonably secure if we could get permission. <br />.Ioyce forgot to ask the Visitor Center about placing our brochures in their <br />lobby. Hopefully, this will be done by our next meeting. <br />9. Due to election day, next meeting will be held on idednesday, Nov. 7, 6:30. <br />Respectf 11y submitted, <br />��� <br />Jo ce Boardson <br />