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Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />Ju1y 3, 2001 <br />Yresent: Joyce and James Boardson, Mary Meyers, Jan Schultz, Tom and Virginia <br />Turba <br />MinuCes: <br />1. Past Activities: The parade went well. Every one heard the music this <br />year, sending the spectators toe-taping. The group agreed it would be nice <br />to have a float nexe year to accommodate Costa Rican and Japanese insrru- <br />ments. However, to do this, help would be needed to find a trailer big <br />enough to accommodate. Approximately 804� of candy was given out. There <br />was sme minor problems of the children over-heating near the end of the <br />parade. <br />2. Treasurer's report: No new news. <br />3. Shinmachi: The group of 8 students and 2 adu�ts are eager to be leaving. <br />They have their tickets and home assignments. The Shinmacni students wi1]_ <br />be arriving Aug. 4. Pot�ucks are planned for the 5th and 14th. They will <br />meet the RoseviJ.xe City Council on Monday evening, Aug. 13. Departure home <br />is Aug. 15. <br />4. Costa Rica: The basketball team has been cancealed due to some problems in <br />C. R. Tom is still planning a group trip for next year's election in C.R., <br />the date being 5unday, Feb. 3, and taking approximately 2 weeks total. <br />5. New Business: Carol, at City Hall, is planning a press release involving <br />Roseville Sister City. There has been some confusion, but we wi11 try �o <br />coordinate with her. JoyCe will contact the RoseviZle Visitors Association <br />to see �� they are in their permanent p].ace and still interested in having <br />our display case in their waiting room. Tom suggested there might be other <br />activities we could coordinate with them. It was suggested that we ger their. <br />website info/address. <br />6. Future Acitivi�ies: On Sept. 22, 2Q01, Ne� Ulm will be hosting the annual <br />Sister City conference �or M�nnesota. <br />7. Information Ytems: Tom annaun�ed Chat Well Fargo does �oreign Exchange with- <br />out a fee. <br />8. Next meeting: PI.EASE NOTE MEETING CHANGES. Next meeting wzl.]. be on August <br />21st due to member activities. 6:30 PM. There will be NO SEPT. meeting. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />�\ (% fl <br />3oyce Boardson, seczetary <br />