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City of Roseville <br />Roeville Sister Citv Association <br />February 2, 200Q <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, sudi Janiak, Jan Schultz, Caro1 Stark, Tom <br />and Virgznia Turba. <br />Minutes: <br />1. Action Items: Joyce contacted 8 businesse� and the group gave suggestions for <br />4 more, concerning potential fund-raising activites where the person works as <br />a volunteer and then the company makes a contribution to the organization. At <br />this �ime, Cub Foods and J.C.Penneys have potential for such activities. Joyce <br />will call the other businesses. Jan will contact �rit? Candies for candy sales <br />to be used at the June parade. <br />No info on insurance availability was available. <br />2. Treasurer's report: There is $2021.b1 in checking and $3103.88 in savings. <br />We have been allocated $4000.00 from the City for the year. There is some ques- <br />tion as to how this money is to be spent. Tom will look into this. <br />3. Shinmachi: Meetings have starCed for this summer's hosting. <br />4. Costa Rica: A young med student was hosted for 3 weeks by rhe Carlsons. She <br />�amily was Sonjia's host family zn Costa Rica. Joyce assisted in her having a <br />tour a[ Fairview-Univ. Hospital, which included making rounds with the med students/ <br />residents in the NICU, along with the neonatologist. Packets should soon be <br />available for rhe Great Ameri�an Shoot-Out. We axe hoping to have a girls team <br />this year. However, no one has had any luck maintain communicaCion with Cartago. <br />Yvonne has had trouble with her email in Costa Rica. Tom and Joyce/Jim have <br />emails sent out which they are hoping will have return responses. <br />5. New Business: For the time being, we will continue with meetings on Tuesday in- <br />stead of on Wednesdays. {lst Tues. of month) There has been no new contact from <br />the RAHS advisor to the Student Council concerning their involvement with S.C. <br />6. Future Activities: Joyce submitted our application to the Roseville Parade <br />Committee about 3 weeks ago, including the suggestions our group had concerning <br />changes/problems experienced in the past. She is VERY hopeful that we will be <br />at the beginning of the parade tnis� year. The date for the Costa Rica Friendship <br />Dinner Meeting has not been set, but is expectied to be in June. The Japanese <br />Dinner date has no daCe but is expected to be in earJ.y August. <br />7. Ongoing Business: No activity was able to take place concerning other activities, <br />such as, web page, mailing lables, recruiting host families, revising our info <br />sheet, and activity book. <br />$. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 7, 2000, 6:30, Roseville City Ha11. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />. ��� . <br />Joyce Boardson, Secretary <br />�� <br />