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City of Roseville <br />Roseviile Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />Janurary 5, 2000 <br />Present: Joyce and J�m Boardson, Jan Schultz, �ohn Stiles, Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Insurance: The group has not been able to find out info on insurance avail- <br />able when guests come. John will try to look into thzs. <br />2. Trueasure's report: not ava�lable <br />3. Shinmachi: A list of peopxe coming in July has been received from Mary Meyers <br />and Kathy Aderly. Hopefully, there will be a group going to Japan around <br />July lI to 3Q, and a Shinmachi group coming here approximately August 4 for <br />ten days. The representatives of the Administration for the 1D year ceremonies <br />plan to stay in a hotel here far their 3 day stay. <br />4. Costa Rica: Unable to reach the Hfgh School Girls coach by phone, Joyce has <br />sent a letter t� Tanya England asking if she would be available ro do some- <br />thing with a girl's team from C. R. if one came up. Joyce will be contacting <br />P& R and Athletic Ass. for Great Am. Shoot Out packets. <br />5. City Council Meeting: Tom and John attended the last one. An advisory com- <br />mission will be set up wiCh Sister City. <br />. <br />6. Inauguration: Tom attended the new Mayor's unauguration, at which he met <br />Ann Postlewaite, Rosevilie High School Student Council Advisor. She was inter- <br />ested in having the Council involved with our activites in conjunction with the <br />school. one activity which could be assisting with a Website. She mention that <br />some students and family/frien�s raised money by working at Macy's, th� pay <br />going to an non-profi4 organization and not directly to the workers. Joyce wil� <br />look into other businesses for such opportunities. <br />7. Future a�tivities: Tom will check on gztting a date set for the C.R. Friend- <br />ship Dinner Meeting as reservations need to be made soon to obtain the Oval <br />dining area, which we anticipate using. John will try to get a firm date for <br />•, the Shinmachi dinner recegtion. <br />7. Ongoing business: Time has not a�lowed a number of things to be addressed. <br />Revision of the inforn�aCion sheet disp�ayed at the library does need to be <br />done. Tom will look into getting sme changes made. <br />8. At John's request, the group was willing to try having meetings on the first <br />Tuesday of the month instead of the €irst Wednesday. <br />9. Next meeting, Tuesdag, February 1, 200Q, Roseville City Hall, 6:39 PM. <br />Respectfull s��ubmitfr,ted, <br />�°R/ <br />Joyce oardson <br />