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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister City Associalion <br />Minatcs <br />September 1, 1999 <br />Present: Tom and Virginia 'I�rba, Carol Stark, 7an Schultz, John Siiles <br />Minutes: <br />1. Treasurer's report: Carol reported that there had bcen a bank error resulting in an overdraii. This <br />was correcterl by the bank without penalties. The bank statement dates run from the 15th to the 15th of <br />the month. A gift of $2000 was again received fram the Shinmachi group. <br />2. Shinmachi: 'Ifie Japanese students and teachers had a good experience here. John developed a <br />questionnaire to evaluate the experience from the host family perspective. Some of the families expressed <br />a desire for less structured activitics so they could spend more time with their students. John reparted that <br />he already has somc students interested in going to Japan neact summer. <br />3_ Costa Rica: Tom announced that there would be a'Fiesla' at the Town and Country club November <br />18, I999 with a silent and'noisy' auction to benefit #he Minnesota-Costa Rica Foundation. This <br />foundation provided some funds ta assist with expenses of thc basketball group that was here in the early <br />summer. He is also considering taking a group to Costa Rica in Feb or March of 2000. <br />4. New business: John reported that the Japanese had purchased hcalth and life instuance for each of <br />the homestay Qarticipants who visited Japan to be effective during their stay there. Can we do something <br />like this for the foreign visitors ihat we host here? Tom will check with the scouts on the prograin they <br />use, Carol will check with the schools, and Virginia will check with an independent insurance agent. <br />There was discussion about obtaining rehun address labcls for mailings_ Tom aud Carol will be <br />looldng into this. It was decided that it would be nice to have the sister city logo on the labcls. <br />5 Future acdvities: On a rotating basis, Roseville will be hosting the Costa Rica Friendship City <br />dinner meeting in 200Q. NoRiifield hosted this years dinner. The Northfield mayor and council members <br />were present. The community banquet room at the oval was voiced as a possiblc sitc to host this cvcnt. <br />Next year will be the tenth annivcrsary of the Japan homestay program. There will be dignitaries <br />from Japan coming to celebrate this. We will be looldng for equivalent digniiaries from Rosevilic to <br />participate in ac6vities with them, host (if possible), and host a d'uxner in honor of the Japanese <br />dignitaries. <br />6. The nea�t Sistcr City meeting will be Wednesday, October 6, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. <br />Respectively submitted. <br />� ~� ^u <br />Virgi Turba <br />