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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />August 4, 1994 <br />Present: Joyce and Jim Soardson, Barb Sackman, John Sti1e, Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Min.utes: <br />1. Treasurer's report: Carol was no� present. Both C.R. and Shinmachi groups <br />had expenses to submit. Discussion. was heJ_d on keeping the number of trans- <br />actions down so as to avoid service charges. Also, funds available will need <br />to be checked. <br />2. Shinmachi: The group jusk returning from Japan had a great trip. It consisted <br />of 5 students and three adults. 5hinmachi students will be arriving on Aug. 5. <br />An activity calendar was presented to the group. They will be presenCed to tihe <br />City Council Monday evening at which time, council memhers will be presented <br />with Sister City t�shirts. Next year wzl� be the lOth anniversary for rhe <br />Shinmachi-Roseville exchange. We would like to see the Mayor and Superintendant <br />of Shinmachi meet with the Roseville Mayor and Superintendent in Rosev�lle. <br />3. Cost Rica: The Cartago baskekhall team of i5 students and a coach just finished <br />the Great Amerzcan Shoot Out. Ttzere were a number of problems which we did not <br />experience Iast year. Joyce present a number of issues that need to be addressed <br />i� we are going to continue the basketball evenks. Tom asked Joyce to present <br />a guideline at the next meeting so that we may start working much early on the <br />event and finding host families. <br />Durzng the tournament, we discovered that Cartaga does not know all the correct <br />rules. There are also a few minox changes to acco�nodate the tournaments from <br />the regular rules. Joyce was able ro find a host family who had a rule book to <br />gzve to the coach. The committee will also order 6 books when avaiiable this <br />fall from the high school league. (They are not available in Spanish) We also <br />need to address the issue of having basketba�ls for practice and warm up if we <br />going Co conrinue hosting basketball teams. When Joyce sends out Thank-yous to <br />the host families, she will include a questionaire reviewed by the group. <br />4. The Normandale Japa�ese Garden Committee is presenting their annual Sukiyaki <br />benefit dinner on September 12, 1999. The information is enclosed with this <br />mai�ing buC is not endorsed/financial supported by the committee. <br />5. Ongoing Business: With vacations and summer activities, hosting etc., no action <br />has been taken on host family recruitment, rivesing our info sheet, fund raising, <br />or activity book. <br />6. Next meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1999, at 6:30 at City Ha11. <br />Respe tfu�y su^' �mitted, <br />Wl2.1.661�7�� <br />Joyc Boardson <br />