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City of Roseville <br />Roseveille Sister City Asssociation <br />Minutes <br />�uly 6, 1999 <br />Present: �ames and Joyce Boardson, Martha Hardesty, Jan Schult?, Barb Sackman, To�n <br />and Virginia 'i'urba. <br />Minutes: <br />1. Action items from previous meeting: Joyce applied for sales tas eYemption <br />and was deni.ed exemption due to not being a purely education functi.ort. Qther <br />Sister Cities have also been denied. Marttia has a friend wtiom she will ask to <br />look into the tax law. At the council workshop, our Articles of Lncorporation <br />were not discussed. The articles were left as is. However, we were granted <br />$4,000.00 per year beginning next year for SisCer City activities. We need to <br />think of ways to promote S.C. and use the monies. <br />2. The parade went well, despite the long wait. Ttte ctii�dren were fantastic and <br />very paCient wzth the long wait. The group feels we should contact the Parad� <br />committee with suggestions, such not expect thc Jast units to arrive by b:UO, <br />causing them to wait 3 hours befor.e they skarted marching. Perhaps the bancls <br />could be judged prior to the start of ttie parade. �lso, several units were <br />throwing candy in*_o the crowd, against rules, potentiating the possibility uf <br />someone being l�urt. Discussion was briei as to using the same L1oat (which has <br />becn caretully disassembled} for next y��r caith some improvement. — To be <br /> ]ater. <br />3. Treastire's report: nor available. Tom did use �700 a� the C.R. £unds to oa�� <br />for tlne airline ticket for. thc-coach who is here now. <br />4. Shinmachi: The Roseville group is ready to Ieave on July 16. 7'he Shinmachi <br />group will arrive AugusC 5. They will spend the IirsL night at Che Ramada Inii. <br />.1im and Joyce offered Co help wiCh luggage from the airport ii needed. <br />4. Costa Rica: The basketball coach arrived .July 4. He is staying at the Gustavus <br />Adolfus dorms witti other coached and students for one week. The second week <br />he may being staying with a scout family or remai.n at St. Peter. ?, basketba]1. <br />team will. being coming again for the great A.merican Shoot-OuC, arriving July 26 <br />and departing Au�. Z. Thirteen 1b-17 y/os and three coactied are expected. <br />Since tialf of �he students were here lasC year, we wSll be 1_ooking ror di.fterent <br />activities for them. Suggestions wer.e Raptor Center, Cour of the Ford plant and <br />01d Dutch, and Zoo, as we11 as tickers to a Thunder game. Jan and Joyce wi11 <br />look into these activity pote«tials. <br />Annual Friendship City meeting is tomorrow, July 7, in Northfield. <br />S. New business: Tom will be applying for our MN. Nonprofit Registration which <br />has to be done annually. <br />6. business - not addressed at this meeting are: 1) Recruiting host <br />families 2) Revising the information sheeC 3) fund raising 4) developing <br />a hook showing our activites. <br />Respectfullx submitted, <br />C. � '} <br />�� r��L,�� <br />.Jovc Bdardson <br />