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�''f ��- , <br />;� <br />. �_: �,a�'-- <br />. -�;; r- ` ����t <br />�- �-,4 } <br />'`i� <br />`�' � � �I! <br />City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister City AssoCiation <br />MinuCes <br />May 6, ].998 <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, Rita Mills, Carol Start, Denny Strootman, <br />Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Display case Item tags: Denny showed the group the Cags he has been working <br />on. They look really great?! <br />2. Great American shoot--out: Conta�t has beel�made with Cartago. They are in- <br />terested. However, there is a problem in that the daCes do not match their <br />school schedule/year. <br />3. Treasurer's report: There is currently a total of 4,236.17 in al]. accounts. <br />4. Shinmachi: Reiko has developed pictures and added them to the Shinmachi in- <br />formation sheet. They really looked nice. Thanks, Reiko. Ten studenCs and <br />two teachers are expected August 5-16. There have been some communication <br />problems as to how ofCen Shinmachi will receive U.S. visitor. They are willfng <br />to "receive visitors on official basis" every year. Apparently, even when <br />RosevilZe residents went separately to visit friends, Shinmachi has felt <br />obligated to reimburse families in some way. ---- The students coming wi11 be <br />13-14 y/o. ---- Next meeting will be Sunday, May 31. <br />5. Costa Rica: Mr. Erdman is interested interested in doing a basketball <br />clinic with Cartago. He does a clinic called "Gustie" for 4-12 y/o's, boys <br />and girls. One liason person would �ome Co Roseville, then Bob would go to <br />Cartago. The 20 y/o woman that wanted to come in .7anuary, is now hoping to <br />�ome .Iuiy to Octoher. We will need hosts £or her as well as placement for <br />activities/teaching. <br />b. Community Activites: Jayce has sent an application in for the Rosefest <br />parade. It looks like we wil.l be able t�comverti.ble, although we are noC <br />sure o€ tjie source at this time. F1ags for each conntry are available this <br />year. Joyce is hoping not to have to borrow costumes from the C.R. consulate. <br />.Tayce wi�l find volunteers for C.R. costumes, Carol will take care°�the 3apan- <br />ese volunteers. We need adults with or without castumes to monitor from <br />the back. 35�� of candy ha5 been donated. <br />Ritia hosted KarXa and Manuel Aguilar from C.R. (the fami�y her daughter stayed <br />with) for one month in Dec-Jan. <br />Extra note: The Scouts will have their ru�age sale starting May 20. Good <br />time/cause to clean out those closets!!! <br />7. Ongoing business: No report on the proposed scrspe book was given. <br />Respectf lly submitted, Negt meet�ng: Juae 3, 1998 - City Ha11 <br />�� 5:30 PK <br />.Toyce Boardson <br />