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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />April 1, 1998 <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, Reiko Masterson, Denny Strootman, Tom and <br />Virginia Turba <br />�inutes: <br />1. Display case tags: Martha is unable to do the display case tags. penny <br />and Tom will take care of this. <br />2. Treasurer's report: No report available. No change expected. <br />3. Shinmachi: Reiko has added to the Ass. information sheet. She <br />did a great job!! There has been a misunderstanding between Japan and <br />the Association about exchanges. Shinmachi thought students/guests would <br />be going to 3apan only every other year. Although no exchanges are expected <br />this year, the group �s working with Shinmachi to correct the misundeX- <br />standing. The group is in the process of preparing for homestays here in <br />early August. Reiko's Japanes dancing group wi11 be in the St. Thomas Spring <br />Festival, Sunday, Apri� 26. Admission =$3.00. See inclosed map. Should be good!! <br />4. Costa Rica: We had been expecting some teachers from Cartago, up for college <br />classes at St. 3ohn Unv., to spend about a weeks extended stay in Rosevil�e, <br />However, the person accepting the money has had legal problems in handling <br />the �oney, and the gzoup will not be able to.come. They are still hoping to <br />be able to come in Sept. <br />Bob Erdman, RSH coach, has not been available to discuss hav�ng a basketball <br />clinic in Cartago. <br />5. Community Activities: We are planning to participate in the Rosefest parade, <br />again. Joyce has entered our application. Hopefully, we w�i1 be near the <br />front, again. This ��ii allow us to have some sort of a picnic afterwards. <br />Tom will ask Halversons about using their convertible, again. Joyce will <br />make more blouses and skirts so we do not have to borrow from the Consulate. <br />We now have parade flags for each country as wel� as flag beZts, donated to <br />the Association. Joyce wi11 make flag/pole covers, making transportation of <br />the flags easier. We wil� be needing adults/children to walk with Japanese <br />and Costa Rican costumes on. Two adults are also needed to walk at the back <br />of our unit to monitor the safety of children, etc. We have 35�� of candy now. <br />6. Great American Shoot Out: �oseville is hosting the Intern'1 Basketball iour- <br />nament this year. They will waver the entry fee if we have a team from Japan <br />and/or C.R. Tom wz11 fax in£o to C.R. and Denny will fax to Shinmachi. <br />7. Ongoing business: Martha is not able to do the scrapebook as planned. Jim <br />has offered to take over the task. <br />8. Next meetzng: Wednesday, May 6, 1948, City Hall. <br />Respe�t ull}L submiCted, Enclosed: St. Thomas campas map for <br />`�J� Spring Festival. See you there!! <br />Joyce o rdson <br />