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c�ty af xos�V�lie <br />Rosevil�e Sister Ci�v Association <br />Minutes <br />March 4, 1998 <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, Reiko Masterson, Carol Stark, Tom and Virginia <br />Turba, <br />Minutes: <br />1. February minutes correc�ion: February's minutes failed to mention the <br />Association's gratitude for John Goedeke's assistance with the Ass.'s Crip <br />to Costa Rica. John gave three ceramic roses as gifts to the C.R. president, <br />Cartago president, and mayor of Cartago. He has also placed severaX gift <br />items in the City Hal1 disp�ay case. <br />2. Previous meeting acrion items: Martha was not present to update on d�splay <br />case item tags. <br />3. Treasur�r's report: No change on current status. Tom reported that he is <br />working �the yearly submittal to the IRS that we still exist and what our <br />donation status is. <br />4. Shinmachi: Reiko brought pictures for up-dating the Shinmachi information <br />sheet. The group was very appreciative of her time. There has been no word, <br />yet, from Shinmachi about �his suimner's group coming here. Caro1 did not <br />think there would be any one going Co Shinmachi this year. Japanese dancing <br />will be preformed at the St. Thomas Sprfng Festival on Simdaq, April 26 at <br />1:00 Pli. Reiko will be one of the greformer�� She will take orders at our <br />next meeting for tickets, costing $3.00 each. <br />5. John GoedeKe has contacted Roseville High coach, Bob Erdman. He will be un- <br />available until early April to discuss the possibility of doing a b�skerball <br />clinic in Cartago this summer. Joyce will contact Bob Bierscheid concerning <br />coordinatzng activity between Parks and Rec, Roseville High, and Cartago. <br />There is potential for £unding to be available. <br />6. Co�mnunity Activites: Rosefest Parade is Monday, �uae 29, starting at 6:30. <br />The group felt we could do the same activity as last year. We will try to <br />have dr�nks available at the start of the parade. Carol and Reiko thought <br />they wou�d be able to have participants representing Japan. �We hope to have <br />a convertible avaiZaBle, again. Joyce recommended that we have two adults <br />following the participants to mon�tor activity from the back. A picnic <br />activity afterwards was favored. Jim and Joyce offered to have it at their <br />house. We have rece�ved 35�� of candy for the parade. <br />7. Ongoir� Business: We need pictures and article�o£ act�vzty for a scrape book <br />to be used for fund raising. Joyce will �ai1 Martha to see what she has <br />done. Blease check your files/albums for picture that may be donated!!! <br />8. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 1, 1998, City Hall. <br />Res ectf � ly Submitted, <br />LXi�Or�, <br />Jo ce Boardson <br />