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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister Cit AssociaCion <br />Minutes <br />October 1, 1997 <br />Present: Joyce and 3ames Boardson, Carol Stark, Tom Turba -- <br />Minutes: <br />l. Action Items: There is an information on Shinmachi in the library at this <br />time. It will be refined and replaced in the near future. Martha was not <br />available to give information on "wolves". <br />2. Treasurer's reporC: There is $4,445.56 3n the bank. Tom believes this in- <br />cludes $2000.00 donated during the Shinmachi group and that mas�, if not all <br />bills/checks have been submitted at this time. Carol asked that the amount <br />be verified and that the C.R. and Shinmachi funds be separated on the books. <br />3. Shinmachi.: The visit of studenfis from Shinmachi this August went well. <br />Joyce mentioned that there is an International Skating Gup being held on <br />November 15-1b aC the Ova1. (Joyce has since talked to L•oni at Parks and <br />Recreation. There will be participants from .Tapan. They wili stay at hotels, <br />prohably arrive about a week early, and have their own special diets. <br />Parks and Re�. may be in need to have people hosting for auch activites as <br />taking skaters to the Ma11 of Am., etc.) <br />4. Costa Ri�a: The Ox Carti presentiation tio City Ha�l went well. There was a <br />nice article in the St. Paul paper. We are anticipating th�e runners from <br />Cartigo for the Twin Cities Marathon. 3oyce will conta�t the marathon and <br />papers for publicity. Eduardo Cruz would like to do presentarion at the <br />schools. Tom will make arrangements. There is notihing new on the Jan./Feb. <br />trip in 1998. There is no expectati.on of student exchanges for I.998. <br />5. Community Activites: Be sure to stop by and see the display case at City <br />Hall. <br />6. Ongoing Business: Unisys may assist with Funding for our receipt slips that <br />Tom has been working on. .Toyce suggesCed that students going on exchanges <br />should be exgected to help raise monep, such as with car washes which a group <br />of itAHS students are in the process of doing �or a European trip. Jim <br />sugested that we develop another book, such as was done several years ago, <br />to show what our activites are.when we are fund raising. <br />7. Next meet�.ng, Nov. 5, 6:30, City Hall. <br />Respec ully ubmitted, <br />Joyce Bo rdson <br />