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City of Roseville <br />Roseville Sister Cit Association <br />Minutes <br />September 3, 1997 <br />Present: Joyce and Jim Boardson, Judi Janiak, Virginia and Tom Turba. <br />Corrections to last month':s minutes: Tom and Virginia Turba were left off the _' <br />attendance. The Association had received $2,500 (not $2000 as stated) from <br />the Raseville Commun3ty Fund, of which 2,Od0 went to the Cartago group and <br />$15Q.00 were given to each of the 1Q students go�ng to Costa Rica this summer. <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: No one was present to g�ve an update. Apparently the info sheet <br />is written but was not presented. <br />2. Action items: Joyce was not able to contact the Roseville librarian with the <br />in£o she has gathered about the "TicoTimes". She plans to discuss other <br />options, such as travel and wiLdlife magazines. Tom has the layout for the <br />receipt slips (for use such as in fund raising) almost finished. The group <br />liked the looks of his work� Tom will proceed with getting publicat�on of <br />them made. <br />3. Tteasurer's report: Not available <br />4. Costa Rica: The National Student Council has decided not ro ask Oscar <br />Arias to speak at the 1999 convention. The Costa Rica-Minnesota Foundat3on <br />will.present an ox cart to City Hall at the Monday evening City Council mtg.. <br />Sept. 8th at approximately 7:15: The Costa Rica-Minnesota Foundation will <br />have its annual fund raiser the evening of 5ept. 19 (�riday}. Let Tom know <br />if you would like to go and did not get an invitation. We are still expect- <br />ing b-10 Runners from Costa:Rica to come approximately Oct. 2-9 to partici- <br />pate in the �ain CiCies Marathon. They would like home-stays whi�e here. <br />If you are interested and able to assist in home�stays, please contact Tom <br />Turba. The airfare for chartexs is expected to be up so there may noC be <br />any advantage tio use charters v.s. regular flights if you are planning to <br />attend the political activities Feb. 1, 1998. Tony Anderson has a group trip <br />planned for $1,895, which in�ludes airfare, hotels, sight-seeing, etc. <br />Details have not been completed. There will probable be others going separ- <br />ateiy. <br />S. Community Activities: Items were brought to put in the new display case at <br />City Hall. �here is still space available - check pour house. Labels <br />would iook good to identify our items. (Artists would be appreciated.) <br />6. Ongoing business: Fund raising - Jim raised the question :'how wi11 money <br />raised be divided/spent?" No resolution was decided at this time. <br />7. New business: In the past, Joyce has addressed the minutes as "International <br />Sister City Committee". The group decided that the above title should he <br />used. <br />8. Next meeting, October 1, 6:30, City Hall. <br />Respec fully submitted, <br />.Toyc Bo rdson'"" �""! " <br />