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City of Roseville <br />International Sister City Association <br />Minutes <br />August 6, 1997 <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, Martha Hardesty, Rita Mills, Jan SCrootman <br />Minutes: <br />1. Action Items: <br />1) In talking to Richfield members and the Richfield librarian, Joyce learned <br />that the,"TicoTimes" is still on trial basis at the library. It appears <br />that the newspaper is not read a lot at the library_before it is divided <br />and taken to the two xocal high schools. Suggestions were made that we <br />look at putting other info items in the library, such as travel and nature <br />magazines. <br />2) Jan continues to work on the Shinmachi info sheet. <br />3) Tom has not been able to work further on the receipt foxm logo. <br />2. Treasuxer's report: We• did receive $2000.00 in grant money rhrough Roseville <br />Community Rxnd..$500.00 wenC to the Shinmachi group, $lOQ.00 each was to the <br />ten students going to Costa Rica in July, and $500.OQ was retained for the <br />Costa Rica group. <br />3. Shinma.chi: John and Ho11y Stiles and Julie Sackmann resently reCurned from a <br />good Crip to Japan�where their 23 day Crip included homestays in Shinmachi. <br />The homestays in Roseville for the Shinmachi group are going well. 10 studenCs <br />and 2 teachers, a1�ng with their Am. Engllsh teacher arrived Aug. 4, <br />departure on Aug. 14. <br />4. Costa Rica: 10 students and 2 teachers returned Aug. 4 from 2} �eeks in <br />Cartago. The trip included an "early" breakfast with.Oscar Arias. Nothing <br />new concerning the trip to C.R. in Feb. for election festivities. Suggestion <br />was made to have an article fn the newspaper. There wi11 be a fund-raiser <br />event on Sept. 19 for Che Costa Rica-Mn. Fund. Parti�ipation is encouraged. <br />There is a possibility that we may be able ta receive funds from the Foundation. <br />A grant proposal must be made. Suggest�ons included hooks on Mn. wildlife, <br />authors, composers, etc. Marth will check on wolf info, Virginia will check <br />the Raptor Center, and Joyce will research the Mn. History Center fox info. <br />No work back on the National Student Council convention in 1999 regarding <br />having Oscar Arias speak. <br />6. Community Ac�ivities: There is a display case now at City Ha11 which we may <br />share to display some of our items from Japan and CosaC Rica. Some tri-fold <br />fliers have been printing by c�ty Hall wh�ch the committee is very grateful <br />for. <br />7. Next meeting: City Hall, Sept. 3, 1997, Wednesday. <br />Respectfu�ly ubmitted, <br />Joyce S6atdaon, Sec. <br />