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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Charter Commission
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6/4/2012 1:00:09 PM
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for any amount in excess vf the amount authorized shall be a personal obiigation upon the persan <br />incurring the obligation. <br />Section 7.07. Alterations in the budget. <br />After the bud�et resolution has been adopted, the council shall not increase the amounts <br />fixed in the resolution beyond the estimated receipts except to the extent that actual receipts <br />exceed the estimate or other funds are deemed available. At any time the council may, by <br />resolution approved by a tnajority of its members, reduce the sums appropriated for any purpase <br />by the budget resolution or authorize the transfer of sums from. unencumbered balances of <br />appropniations in the budget resolution to other purposes. <br />Section 7.08. Disbursements. <br />No disbursements of city funds shail be tnade except by authorization of the city manager <br />and the mayor or treasurer. A register shall be prepared and maintained specify�ng the purposes <br />for which the disbursement is made and the £und from which it is drawn. No such payment sha1l <br />be issued un#il there is money to the credit of the fund from which it is to be paid, sufficient to <br />pay it together with all outstanding encumbrances upon the fund. No such payment shall be <br />issued untiI the claim to which it relates has been supported by an itemized bill, payroll or time <br />sheet appraved and sigied by the responsible city officer who vouches for its correctness and <br />reasonableness. The city manager shall note on each contract requiring the payment af maney <br />by the city the particular fund out of which it is to be paid. The council may by ordinance make <br />further regulations for the safekeeping and disbursement of the funds of the city. <br />Section 7.Q9. Fur�ds. <br />There shall be maintained in the city treasury a general fund and such other funds as�nay <br />be required by staterte, ordinax�ce, or resolution. The council may, by ordinance or resolution, <br />make inter-fund loans, except from trust and agency funds, as it may deem n�cessary and <br />appropriate. <br />
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