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Action Plan <br />AP 2.16 Training Division will develop a training session on empowcrmcnt as part of <br />the overall officer developxnent program. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 2.17 Administration Division will include on the agenda for chief s staff ineetings <br />discussions on the progress of empowerment in RFD and will work to continually <br />develop and promote an empowered organization. PRIORITY 5. <br />Leadership <br />Leadership is having the capacity and ability to lead (to show the way to, by going in <br />advance}. It is a skill and an attitude that enables one to get others to accomplish <br />established goals and objectives. Dwight Eisenhower defined leadership as "gctting <br />others to do the things you want done because they want to do it." Management is the <br />skill of controlling resources or functions during the accomplishment of thosc objectives. <br />Leadership is doing the right thing, while management is doing things right. Neither will <br />accomplish much without the oiher. <br />While leadezship can be defined, it is difficult to achieve all the attributes of a great <br />leader. �t is the goal and passion of this adrninistration to embody those attributes of <br />superb leadership and movc RFD to the pinnacle o£ the fire service. For our departmcnt <br />to beco�ne a true service leader, we must have effective leadership at all levels. Great <br />leaders can push our organization to levels never achieved in the past. This creates an <br />energized cnvironment that will benefit our internal and our external customers. Our <br />productivity and our performance will surely improve with great leadership at ail levels. <br />With the appointment of a career f�re chief in 1994 came the opportunity to reevaluate the <br />way we do business. The process of appointing a new chief's staff was completed in <br />January 2000. This change in upper management created new expectations for leadership <br />in the department. In January 2002, the department added a cazeer assistant fire chief. <br />With these newly appointed staffpositions comes new goals and objectives, and a change <br />in the way we operate. In addition to the new chief's staff, all and lieutenant <br />positions were appointed (or re-appointed} in a cornpetitive process that was cornpleted in <br />Apri12000. <br />Now there are new expectations for all officers at RFD. The members are sti�l evaluating <br />the c{uality of the new leadership and the chief's staff is also evaluating the quality of <br />lcadership frorn the line officers. The administration has raised the benchmark of <br />expectations and stanciards of perFormance for all officers and has confidently observed <br />that an effective leadership team is ta.king root. <br />Objectives <br />16 <br />