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• Continue to dcvelop and impletnent officer training programs that reinforce our <br />expectation that officers act as leaders, and thus, serve as role models for <br />appropriatc, professionai, and courteous behavior.._ always and in all ways. <br />• Continue to develop and implernent progzams that encou�rage our leaders to <br />clearly communicale speci�c perfonnance expectations to all the members who <br />work under their command. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs that our leaders to be intolerant of <br />incompetence anywhere in our department. We shall hold all of our mcmbers <br />accountable for their actions, their inactions, and their ability to achieve <br />established performance startdards. <br />• Continue to develop and implemcnt policics and procedures that provide direction <br />to the membership that is systematic, orderly, rnanaged and not left to chance. By <br />using established procedures, our leaders can positively influence how all <br />members in tne departmcnt behave and perform. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs that reinforce our expectation tk�at <br />our leaders continually display enthusiasrn toward excellent self-performance and <br />professional behavior. Maintaining organizational growth and learning requires <br />that leaders display high and continuous energy output. Proactive leaders improve <br />the probahility of our organizational success, vvhere a laissez-faire, or negative <br />approachcs, will damage our department. <br />• Continue to develop and imp3em.e.n.t programs that requue our leaders to be <br />decision makers anci avoid excessive efforts to gain consensus or compromise. <br />Good leaders are decisive and accept responsibility for the tough decisions. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs whereby our leaders dispiay <br />effective interpersonal skills for coaching rnembers (officers and non-officers} by <br />gently, yet relentlessly, reinforcing our department's high standards of <br />performance. <br />• Continue to develop and impiement programs to ensure our leaders trcat members <br />fairly. Equity is crucial for trust and morale in our department. Our icadcrs shall <br />nat play favorites. They shall practice a high degree of objectivity and fairness in <br />all thezr actions with all memhers. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs to ensure our leaders placc a vcry <br />high priority on open, timely and valid communications throughout our <br />department... and work very hard to ensure that quality communications is <br />always a priority. <br />Act�on Plan <br />AP 2.18 The Administration Division shall design and irnplcmcnt a member <br />performance evaluation and reward system to be used as a communications tool to <br />rccognize and improve the perfortnance of our members. PRIORiTY 2. <br />AP 219 The Training Division shall conduct a training session for officers on hor�v to <br />conduct effective performance evaluations of inembers. PRIORITY 2. <br />17 <br />