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AP 2.20 The Operations Division shall develop standarcis of performance for all <br />xnembers concerr�ing station work duties. Standards of pezformance will be distributed, <br />with training for members, unmediately after approval. Foilowing impleznentation, <br />station inspections should reveal the satisfactory completion of all station duties. <br />PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 2.21 The mentaring program for recruit rnembers shall be reviewed and revised. A <br />mentoring program will also be dcsigned and implcmented for developing officers. The <br />training commiitee shall establish and monitor the success of our mentoring prograrns. <br />The training staff shall monitor the performance of our mentoring programs and pro�vide <br />a report to the fire chief ihat will be included in the depariment's annual repori. Mentors <br />and their benefactor shall be periodically surveyed by the training staff to monitoz the <br />success of the program. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 2.22 The training staff shall conduct a iraining session on performance mentonng. <br />This may be part of the officers develop.rxzent program_ PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 2.23 The training staff sha11 incozporate officer develapment continuing education to <br />be included periodically during officer zz�eetings. PRIORITY 2. <br />Communications <br />Most organizations, including our fire department shouid continually strive to improve <br />communications. This means encoura.ging dialogue between the administration and the <br />members and between members. Consistent communication is indicative of a good <br />organization. Current, accurate information is an important tooi for ma.riagement, and <br />fortunately its costs are negligible. Information is onc resource whose deficicncies are <br />rnost subject to managerial correction. This administration has madc a commitment to <br />improving organizational communications. �ur community demands and expects RFD <br />to perform effectively and efficiently. Literally, lives are at stake. Internal cornmunicatian <br />is the life-blood of great service. RFD will continue to improve our internal <br />cornmunication process through the implernentation of this plan. <br />Objectives <br />• Continue to develop and implement a program for the usc of alphanumeric pagers <br />for cmergency and non-emergency communications with members. <br />• Develop and implement a program for the use of LED displays and printers in the <br />stations to communicate emergency call infortnation to responding members. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs to iinprove communications <br />between the officers and line firefighters. <br />• Continue deveiop and implennent pzograms and policies that encourage open, <br />honest, and respectful dialogue, feedback and problem solving among the <br />members. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs that promote respectful, productive <br />and professional communications at staff and officers meetings. <br />Lf'' <br />