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• Continue to deveiop and implement programs that keep mernbers infozzxied of <br />departmental activities and events. <br />• Continue to develop and i;nplement programs and policies that foster an <br />environment where all members can keep new ideas flowing up and down. <br />• Continue to devetop staff skills to improve communications between the fire <br />departrnent and other city departments and outside agencies with whom we have <br />intcraction. <br />• Continue to develop and implement programs to and improve <br />communications between the fire department and its customcrs. <br />Action Plan <br />AP. 2.24 Divisions will work in a cooperative fashion to ensure that members are <br />receiving all pertinent information they need to do a quality job. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 2.25 Qperations Division shall design and implement hardware, softwarc, and SOGs <br />for alpha-numeric paging of emergency calls. PRIDRITY 4. <br />AP 2.26 Operations Division shall design and implement hardwarc, software, and SOGs <br />for LED displays and pnnters ("Rip & Run"} in each fire station to transmit emergency <br />call information. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 2.27 Admin�istration Division will conduct periodic surveys of the membership to <br />determine their level of approval and satisfaction with the performance of administration <br />and use this tool to provide feedback for improvement. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.28 All Divisions will collaborate to prepare and distribute a comprehensive annual <br />report of fire departxr�ent activities t� all members, ciry admin:stration, and interested <br />citizens. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 2.29 Thc Firc Chicf will schcdule a minimum of two departmental staff ineetings to <br />be held monthly to disseminatc information and discuss procedural and operational <br />changes witn the membership. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.30 Monthly officers meetin�s will be held to discuss issues, gain consensus, and <br />develop administrative, operational and training goals and objectives. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.31 Each District shall hold periodic meetings (no less frequently than quarterly) to <br />discuss district issues and to design and implement solutions to district issues. <br />PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.32 Divisions will work in a cooperative fashion to ensure that members are <br />receiving all pe�-tinent information thcy need to do a yuality job. PRIORITY 2_ <br />Moved from the Accountability section. <br />Taking care of our f refighters <br />The ability to serve as a firefighter is a gift. Being able to help others during times of <br />great personal tragedy is the reward. Firefighters do what many are not able to do... and <br />what many more are not willing to do. Our family of brother and sister firefighters <br />19 <br />