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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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extends nationally, if not worldwide_ There is a great mutual admiration among our peers <br />for the rriany sacrifices we make. We are part of an elite fatnily, and like every family, <br />we have our ups a.nd downs, our good days and our bad days. We don't always agree and <br />we don't always like each other. But at the core of our existenee, there is a bond tY�at <br />holds us together. As our department experiences growth and changes, we much <br />recognize the contributions of our members and assist them in the good times and the bad <br />times. Excellence in customer service starts with talcing care of our own. <br />Objectives <br />• Continuc to develop and implement ways to recognize and reward our members <br />for their dedication to duty and service above sclf. <br />• Develop and implement formalized awards for scrvice that far exceeds <br />expectations and for exceptional acts of bravery and heroism_ <br />• Develop and implement a"Family Assistance Program" for our fellow mernbers <br />who are experiencing rough times. <br />• Devclop and implcxnent programs to address concerns that affect firefighter <br />availability for calls for service, such as short-notice child care access. <br />• Develop and implement various events for firefightcrs and family members that <br />prornote the values espoused in our mission and values statcments. <br />• Develop and ixnplezxient a"Bnng your Son/Daughter/Spouse to Work" program to <br />encourage firefighters to have a family member ride-along wiih them for a shifi. <br />• Continue to develop and implement prograzns that hold the safety and security of <br />our employees as high priority. <br />• Develop and implement a chaplain's program to provide support and <br />encouragement to our members. <br />• Develop and implement programs to better use mennbez's time in productive <br />ways. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 2.33 All officers are encouraged to catch members doing things right and doing the <br />right things, and to publicly recogni•r.e individuals for their efforts. Recognition Awards <br />should become a regular part of department meetings. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.34 Aciministration Division, iu� collaboration with the Qperations Division, develop <br />and implement criteria for a Fire Chief's Service Excellence Award, Medal of Va1or, and <br />other similar awards. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.35 Administration Division will establish and/or coordinate ihe following events: <br />Chiefs' Staff Hog Roast, Children's Christmas Party, Retirement Parties, Promotion <br />Receptions, Annual Awards Banquet, Annual Firefighter Mass, and other similar events. <br />PRIORITY 2. <br />20 <br />
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