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AP 2.36 Administration Division shall develop and implement a"Family Assistance <br />Program" for our fellow members who are experiencing rough times and ensure that <br />during these times, our family is there to help. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.37 Operations Division shall develop and implement a"Bring your <br />Son/Daughter/Spousc to Work" program. PRIORITY 5. <br />AP 2.38 Develop and implement a program for short-notice child care so membcrs who <br />are giving carc to ttzeir children can still respond to calls. PRIORITY 2. <br />Recruitment and retention <br />Since 1991 the rate of part-time hiring has not kept pace with xnember attrition. The <br />department has developed a hiring process, but only hires two times a.nnually. Under this <br />design, applicants could be required to wait up to six months or longer to begin the hiring <br />process a$er making application. <br />For ncarly 10 ycars the departmcnt staffmg has becn bclow the goal of 84 active <br />members. The dcpartment identified the need to implement ncw rccniitment methods and <br />restructured the hiring process to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the <br />recruitment program. <br />A healthy economy and low unemployment rate in the Metro contributes to a shortage of <br />available part-time workers and contributes to the difficulty of Roseville Fire to compete <br />with private employers. A plan to streamline the recruitment and hiring �rocess, as well <br />as a plan to improvc retention incentives will ensurc that RFD rcmains a competitive <br />employer. <br />Objectives <br />• Continue to evaluate and establish recruitment goals to ensure the departrnent <br />employs the appropriate nutnber of personnel to meet the necds of the customers. <br />• Continue to develop and implernent a recruitment program to improve efficiency <br />and effectiveness. <br />• Continue to evaluate and estimate attritions rates from retirements and <br />resignations and ensure recruitment of adequate new members to maintain <br />appropriate staffmg levels. <br />• Separate recruitment and retention as two distinct areas of responsibility within <br />the department. <br />• Elevate the priority of inember retention and assign the responsibility to a senior <br />chief officer. <br />• Develop and implement hiring timelines and a checklist of hiring tasks to be <br />completed, ensuring that candidates and Recruitment Committee membcrs <br />understand the hiring process. <br />21 <br />