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Member development <br />The Roseville Fire Departrnent has never implementcd a formal member development <br />program. This administration is praposing a vision of the future that raises the level of <br />excellence for our deparhnent and its leaders. There should be a dcfincd process for our <br />members that guides them on a path of educational zequirements, training, and <br />assignments that will prepare them for the next Ievei in their career. A new promotional <br />process was introduccd in October 1999 to guide the department througl� the <br />appointment/re-appointrnent of all officers. <br />This process, however, does not "prepare" our rnembers for the responsibilitics they will <br />face as officers and leaders. This administration wants to "raise the bar" in preparing our <br />members to be better leaders, enhancing personal development, creating higher levels of <br />professionalism and improving service to the comzxaunity. <br />In October 1999, the need to implement an officer appointment process superceded the <br />need to have established and cnforced minimum requirements. Thus, all znembers who <br />were appointed to officer positions between November 1999 and Apri12000 were granted <br />an extension of time to meet the qualifications from the preferred qualifications listed in <br />the positions descriptions. Candidates iilling futurc officer vacancies should be held to <br />the expectations listed in the positions descriptions. <br />Objectives <br />• Develop and implement guidelines that can assist metnbers with the promotional <br />process. <br />• Develop and implement an officer development program for members and <br />officers who wish to advance through the ranks. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 2.54 Fire Administration shall develop and cornmunicate written goals for all officers <br />to meet the qualifications for the positions they hold. PRIORITY 4. <br />AP 2.51 Fire Administration shall develop and prescnt guidelines to assist members with <br />the process of advaz�cexx�ent. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 2.52 Each officer shall complete and submit a self-assessment on their current siatus <br />compared to tlie requirements of their jab description and submit a plan to achieve the <br />requirements of their positions, including tinnelines. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 2.53 The Training Division shall facilitate an officer devetopment program, monitor <br />its results and prepare an annual report to the Fire Chief. PRIORITY 2. <br />23 <br />