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SECTION 3 <br />BENCHMARKING <br />PRUFESSIUNALISM <br />The broad category of professionalism relates to goals that focus on increasing the <br />expectations of ourselves and improving the performancc of our members, ulti►nately <br />improving the performance of the entire department. Thc goals in this category include <br />accreditation, public protection classitication rating, customer service, and response <br />times. <br />Accreditation <br />The Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) was formed in 1996 through <br />a joint effor� between the International Associa#ion of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the <br />International City Managers Association (ICMA). As of Spring 2002, #here are cuzzently <br />59 CFAI-accredited fire agcncics nationwide, include one other department in Minnesota <br />{Burnsville). RFD would like to seek accreditation for the following reasons: <br />Obj ectives <br />• Promotion of exccllcncc within RFD. <br />• Encourage quality improvement through a continuous self assessment process. <br />• Providing assurance to peers and the public that RFD has defined missions and <br />objectives that are appropriate for the City of Roseville. <br />• Provide a detailed evaluation of RFD and the services provided to our <br />community. <br />• Identify areas of strength and weal�ess within RFD. <br />• A method or system for addressing deficiencies and building on organizational <br />success. <br />• Professional growth for RFD as well as our members invoived in the self- <br />assessment proccss. <br />• A forurn for the communication of organizational priorities. <br />• International recognition for RFD by our peers and public. <br />24 <br />