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A nnechanism for developing concurrent documents, including strategic planning <br />and program development. <br />Foster pride in our organization from the members, peer city departments, <br />community leaders and customers. <br />• Create an environment for improved benefits by achieving our goal of <br />accreditation. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 3.1 RFD will approval, commitment and fmancial support from Council to <br />pursue accreditation. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 3.2 Establish an Acereditation Committee, including an accreditation nnanager, who's <br />primary focus will bc on accreditation. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 3.3 Host CFAI self-assessment accreditation workshop to develop a plan to <br />implement the self-assessment process. PRIORiTY 3. <br />AP 3.4 RFD will becomc an applicant agency with CFAI and begin the self-assessment <br />process for accreditation. PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 3.5 RFD will becomc an aceredited agency by 2006. PRIORiTY 2. <br />xS0 rating <br />The City of Roseville cuzrez�tly enjoys an ISO Fire Protection Class 3 rat�ng. ISO <br />(Insurance Services Office) is an independent agency that rates the fire protection of a <br />community. The fire deparkment constitutes b0% of the rating and the water supply is <br />40%. It will be our goal to maintain our current rati�zxg, and in the future, to upgrade our <br />rating to a Class 2. It is estimated by the ISO #hat the i�nst�rance cost saving to <br />commercial, industrial and retail property owners would be sig�ificant (estimated by ISQ <br />to be 2-3% of premiums) for the City's estimated $1.6 billion in building and contents <br />valuation. Of all the fire organizations rated by ISO, only seven-tenths of one percent <br />earn a Class 2 rating. This equates to 307 fire departments of a total of 43,940 graded <br />departrnents nationwide. <br />Obj ective <br />• Develop and implement policies and programs to maintain our current ISO Class <br />3 Rating on our next scheduled evaluation. <br />• Develop and implement policies and programs to izr�prove our ISO rating to a <br />Class 2. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 3.6 RFD will obtain approval, comrnitment and financial support from Council to <br />beca�ne an ISO Class 2 city. PRIORITY 2. <br />25 <br />