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AP 3.7 Operations Division officers will coordinate all areas of the fire department in <br />preparation for our next schedule ISO evaluation, ensuring all documentation required by <br />the ISO is complete and orderly. PRIORiTY 2. <br />Customer service <br />It has been said that the only "product" the fire scrvice has to offer is Customer Service. <br />Effective customer service, delivered in a safe and courtcous fashion, is the final outcome <br />of all other departznent functions and activities. Quite simply, the delivery of our services <br />is our one chance to make or break what has (likely) already become the worst day our <br />customer has ever experienced. <br />Our scrvice delivery encompasses our attitude toward customers, the quality of our work <br />on the incident scene, attention to details (where feasible} that can minimize losses, a.nd <br />the tools wc usc. Measurement of the effectiveness of our service delivery system is <br />important, too, so that changes can be made to our procedures when warranted. <br />Obj ectives <br />Deliver service that mects or cxcceds customer expectations by: <br />• Fostering a service mindset arxaong all mernbers; <br />• Treating all of our customers with dignity; <br />• Conducting operations in a courteous, safe, and professional manner; <br />• Practicing effective loss control (i.e., salvage and overhaul) measures; <br />. Investing in reliable communication, investigation, and cleanup equipment; and, <br />• Measuring of customer satisfaction. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 3.8 Customer service training will be offered to all firc department members. <br />PRIORYTY 4 <br />AP 3.9 Create a Customer Service survey for post-incident follow-up and review the <br />surveys on a regular basis for the purpose of improving performance. PRIORITY 2. <br />AP 3.10 An officer perform a Customer Service follow-up interview with affected <br />pa.rty(ies) withi.n three or four weeks of each major incident. PRIORiTY 2. <br />Response times <br />The Roseville Fire Department shall use performance benchmarking as a tool to evaluate <br />the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency services provided to the citizens of <br />Roseville. The department's ability to idcntify, measure, and meet established <br />�� <br />