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UNSTAFFED STATION RESPONSE TIMES <br />STANDARD: (maximum) 1 ST ENGINE - 6 minutes <br />2ND ENGINE - 7 minutes <br />3R° ENGINE - 12 minutes <br />1 ST LADDER - 8 minutes <br />2"v LADDER - 12 minutes <br />RESCUE - 8 minutcs <br />1 ST CHIEF - 5 minutes <br />2ND CHIEF - 6 minutes <br />ACHIEVEMENT GOAL: 90% of all emergency calls for service (*} <br />STATI4N STAFFING <br />STANDARD: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year <br />{except for major holidays). <br />ACHIEVEMENT GOAL: 90% of all hours per day_ <br />INCIDENT STAFFING <br />STANDARD: (minimum} 2Q firefighters <br />ACHTEVEMENT GOAL: 95% of all critical emergencies <br />APPARATUS STAFFING <br />STANDARD: (zninimum) 3 firefighters and 1 officer <br />ACHIEVEMENT GOAL: 90% of all emergency calls for service <br />SUPERVISION OF RESP4NSE <br />STANDARD: (min�mum) 2 chief officers and 6 company officers <br />ACHIEVEMENT GOAL: 95% of all critical calls far service <br />* Not all emergency calls will require an emergency lights and siren (Code Red) response of all the <br />eyuiprrient listed_ Only thc apgaratus that responds Code R.ed will be tracked for the achievement of this <br />performance benchmark_ <br />Achievement Goal: A percentage that represents a rcasonablc frequcncy for rneeting the <br />established Standard. <br />28 <br />