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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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Fire Strategic Plan revised July 2002
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• Develop and irnplement a prog�razx� to monitor the success of automatic aid <br />agreements with neighboring fire departments. <br />• Develop and implement a program to monitar the success of a Mutual Aid Box <br />Alarm System. <br />• Develop and implement a program to review and revise the department's program <br />and goals for the efficient and effective handling of ha•r.ardous materials incidents. <br />• Dcvclop and implement a plan to introduce fire-based exnergency medical <br />services in Roseville that includcs recommendations for improvements in <br />efficiency and effectiveness of the EMS system in the City. <br />• Develop and irnplernent a comprehensive fire station location and staffing plan <br />ensuring the most efficient and effective model to serve the fire, rescue, and EMS <br />needs of the community for the next 15-20, with special consideration for <br />OSHA. Staz�dards, NFPA Standards, CFAI accreditation standards and ISO <br />requuements. <br />• Develop and implernent a comprehensive nccds assessment of fire department <br />equipment lo determine the appropriate type and number of fire apparatus to <br />efficiently and ef.£ectively serve ihe needs of the community, with special <br />consideration for NFPA Standards, CFAI accreditation standards and ISO <br />requirements. <br />• Work with the City Administration to secure additional funding for expenses <br />associated with sta.ffing non-fire department sponsored speciai events (such as <br />Rose Fcst, Rollcr Jam, 623 Wa1k/Run, Family Night Out, National Night Out, and <br />other special events), eliminating thc need to fund these events from the fire <br />department's operating budget. <br />• Design and implement program changes that improve the department's response <br />tirt�e to emergencies. <br />• Design and irnplement changes in thc station staffing and callback system, <br />including the minimum requirements, to address the changing demographics and <br />increasing demands on members' timc. <br />• Compiete an evaluation of the currcnt dispatching system to determine the most <br />efficient and effective dispatching delivery sysiem for RFD, making <br />recommendations for upgrades to dispatching services, with consideration for <br />CFAI accreditation standards, NFPA standards and ISO requirements. <br />Action Plan <br />AP 5.34 Operations Divisian officers will rnaintain a list of emergency services that will <br />be provided by RFD and develop an action plan for implementation of any new services. <br />PRIORITY 3. <br />AP 5.35 Operations Division ofFcers to develop and implement an automatic aid <br />program with neighboring departments who wish to participate in automatic aid, vvith the <br />goal of cnsuring a minimum of one additional engine company on an automatic response <br />to all structure fires. PRIORITY 4. <br />43 <br />
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