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City of Roseville — 2010 Budget <br />Division /Program: Golf Course Maintenance <br />Organizational Responsibility: Parks &Recreation Director <br />Division / Program Description <br />Golf course maintenance provides Roseville citizens with a golf recreational facility that is maintained <br />with quality and managed with excellent customer service. Maintenance and playability will be very <br />important to keeping this course competitive in the coming years. Plans for a physical upgrade to the <br />maintenance facility are being explored. The Program's activities are accounted for in the Golf Course <br />Fund. <br />2010 Goals & Objectives <br />• Continue to explore new, cost effective ways and procedures to maintain golf course and <br />clubhouse <br />• Develop Emerald Ash Borer program and evaluate landscape projects <br />• Update capital improvement / equipment replacement schedule for course, grounds & clubhouse <br />• Continue to manage the golf course budget to offer reasonable fees and get the best possible value on <br />projects and repairs utilizing existing staff <br />• Continue to assess and investigate organic fertilizer use <br />Budget Category <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />$Increase <br />(decrease) <br />% Incr. <br />(decr.,) <br />Personnel Services <br />$ 1199001 <br />$ 1209535 <br />$ 1499650 <br />$1499650 <br />$ - <br />0.0% <br />Supplies &Materials <br />229977 <br />209715 <br />279250 <br />269300 <br />(950) <br />(3.5)% <br />Other Services &Charges <br />499055 <br />429394 <br />399575 <br />40,275 <br />700 <br />1.8% <br />Capital Outlay <br />- <br />59045 <br />- <br />_ <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Total <br />$ 1919033 <br />$ 1889689 <br />$2169475 <br />$ <br />$(250) <br />(0.1)% <br />Human Resource Allocation <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />Full -Time Equivalent Positions <br />1.50 <br />1.50 <br />1.50 <br />1.50 <br />2010 Budget Impact Items <br />• Not applicable <br />2008/2009 Achievements <br />• Completed several major landscaping improvements; <br />• Replaced numerous storm damaged trees utilizing Arboretum tree nursery <br />• Reestablished three fairways after extensive winter kill <br />• Developed and implemented sign management program for tee boxes and course <br />• Reduced part -time labor costs <br />71 <br />