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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 11, 2012 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Nays: None. <br /> e. Adopt Cleanup Assistance Policy Regarding Sanitary Sewer Back-ups <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz and Assistant Finance Director Brenda <br /> Davitt provided an overview of the proposed policy as revised, based on previ- <br /> ous City Council discussions and direction to staff; and as detailed in the RCA <br /> dated June 11, 2012. <br /> Mr. Schwartz reviewed those revisions as they related to actual work performed <br /> by remediation contractors; flexibility in the policy to allow the City Council to <br /> have discretion depending on the severity of an event and/or on a case by case <br /> basis; and information provided by Finance Director Chris Miller on the esti- <br /> mated annual cost of the program, with recommendations for base sewer rates <br /> adjusted for residential properties accordingly. <br /> Regarding installation of backflow prevention devices, Mr. Schwartz advised <br /> that staff recommended limiting reimbursement up to $300 per home for the de- <br /> vice only, not its installation, since those costs were quite variable and could be <br /> quite expensive based on the device selected and their location in the home. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that the City's Building Officials had determined that the <br /> devices could not be required by City Code unless the City performed a study to <br /> identify specific properties that could or would be vulnerable to such a backup, <br /> based on their topography and/or nature of the significant events. However, Mr. <br /> Schwartz advised that staff was not recommending such a provision at this time. <br /> Regarding an effective date for implementation of the policy, Mr. Schwartz ad- <br /> vised that upon consultation with the City Attorney, they recommended that the <br /> policy not be pre-dated prior to its adoption. <br /> Councilmember Pust spoke in support of the policy, and thanked staff for de- <br /> velopment of it. Councilmember Pust expressed one concern regarding process <br /> and how and if the City was notified in conjunction with a private contractor, <br /> when the homeowner would sign the agreement, and how and when it was accu- <br /> rately determined if the backup was in the City's system or the private system. <br /> Mr. Schwartz clarified that the policy would not cover homeowner private lines, <br /> only if the City checked the main line and it was determined that it was or was <br /> not a City main issue. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed concern with how the policy was written (page <br /> 1) and how it was determined which part of the system was city versus private. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed concern that the public may not have a clear <br /> understanding of that language; and suggested the need for more clarification <br /> and not leaving it open to interpretation. <br />