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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
6/21/2012 10:25:08 AM
Creation date
6/21/2012 10:24:07 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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209 Discussion ensued on official transfer of GLWMO -owned equipment; documents; as well as assets of the <br />210 GLWMO as an organization. Mr. Petersen noted that the GLWMO did not own any infrastructure in the <br />211 watershed; only cash assets and equipment. <br />212 <br />213 Ms. Lewis advised that the JPA would dictate dissolution and transfer of those items, and suggested the <br />214 equipment could be offered to the RWMSD or revert back to member cities for their distribution. <br />215 <br />216 Mr. Maloney noted that records of the GLWMO were strewn across both member cites, and would need <br />217 to be consolidated at some point in the near future, but were not germane to tonight's action. <br />218 <br />219 Member Withhart questioned how any debt or liabilities would be addressed during the interim months <br />220 before dissolution as well as any future liabilities that came to light; whether those assets and liabilities <br />221 were transferred to the new water management organization or to the two member cities. <br />222 <br />223 Further discussion included pending BMP cost -share projects scheduled for completion yet in the summer <br />224 of 2012; the revised contract with the Ramsey Conservation District (RCD) for their technical and design <br />225 services for those BMP projects; contract notification on the action for dissolution with independent <br />226 contractors currently serving the GLWMO; obligation of member cities to ensure those BMP projects <br />227 meet the requirements for design and maintenance; and assignment of that oversight as applicable. <br />228 <br />229 At the request of Member Huffman regarding whether GLWMO Board cash reserves were sufficient to <br />230 meet these expenses, Chair Miller assured new members that sufficient funds were on hand; with excess <br />231 funds dispersed to member cities at the appropriate time following dissolution. <br />232 <br />233 Mr. Schwartz advised that the City of Roseville's Finance Department, serving as the GLWMO Board's <br />234 fiscal agent, would close the GLWMO books at some point in the future; and the City of Roseville's <br />235 annual external audit would include those funds. <br />236 <br />237 Ms. Lewis asked that Mr. Schwartz advise the City of Roseville's Finance Department to copy the BWSR <br />238 on those audits. <br />239 <br />240 Member Huffman questioned if a strategy was in place to advised or notify GLWMO constituents should <br />241 be notified of the organization's dissolution and impacts to them before they received their 2013 property <br />242 tax statements. Member Huffman noted that the cost for these constituents may be higher than in the past. <br />243 <br />244 Ms. Lewis advised that there was not a separate line item on property tax statements at this time for the <br />245 GLWMO, since fees were included in storm water utility fees. However, Ms. Lewis noted that they <br />246 would now see a special taxing district on their tax statement from Ramsey County. <br />247 <br />248 Member Withhart advised that miscellaneous taxing jurisdictions were compiled on the Ramsey County <br />249 property tax statements and were not broken out. <br />250 <br />251 Mr. Maloney echoed Member Huffman's question on how change this was generally communicated to <br />252 residents in a broader sense. <br />253 <br />254 Ms. Lewis noted that the RWMWD had a substantial educational program; but was unsure if it would <br />255 address this merger and suggested that some type of information and/or response be prepared. <br />256 <br />257 Member Withhart opined that it would be nice for the RWMWD to address the public relations portion of <br />258 this educational process. <br />259 <br />
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