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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 11,2007 <br />Page 22 <br /> <br />Ms. Rose opined that when people purchase larger lots, sometimes <br />their thoughts are toward the future, when a spouse passes away or <br />they have financial difficulties, that their intent is to have an option of <br />selling some of their property. <br /> <br />Lucy Hulme, 1720 Eldridge <br />Ms. Hulme spoke of her property as an "ideal location in a great <br />neighborhood." Ms. Hulme noted the need to care for each other's <br />property and not damage it; opining that she was satisfied with the <br />CAG final report, and further opined that "we're not Edina, we're bet- <br />terl" Ms. Hulme commended the recommendations on tree preserva- <br />tion and environmental considerations; and encouraged large homes <br />and careful development, and keeping Roseville's quality of life and <br />enhancing, not degrading, each other's property. <br /> <br />Ann Berry, 1059 Woodhill Drive <br />Ms. Berry commended the CAG for their work and commitment to <br />the projects. Ms. Berry opined that the community currently had a <br />good mix of housing, and further opined that whether or not to divide <br />a lot should have significant weight on the side of the property owner; <br />recognizing people not wanting a neighborhood to change, but quot- <br />ing that, "If you don't own the land, you don't control it." <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing closed public comment on the above-referenced sub- <br />ject at 8:08 p.m.; advising that the City Council would take these, and <br />previous comments under advisement and would take the issue up <br />again in the very near future. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at 8:09 p.rn. and reconvened at 8:18 p.rn. <br /> <br />c. Housing Improvement Area - Consider Establishment of a Hous- <br />ing Improvement Area for Westwood Village I <br />Community Development Director John Stark and Finance Director <br />Chris Miller provided background, and past work by former Housing <br />and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Executive Director Cathy Ben- <br />nett on the petition by owners within Westwood Village I for estab- <br />lishing of a Housing Improvement Area (RIA), in accordance with <br />Minnesota State Statute 428A.12. <br />