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<br />Regular City Couucil Meeting <br />Monday, Juue 11,2007 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested that staff include, on a future Council <br />Worksession, discussion on ways to start thinking about sustainability. <br />e. Councilmember Roe commended the City's Police Department and <br />officers involved in their successful identification and closure of the <br />Rosedale Security Guard theft ring; and their earlier work on stopping <br />the rash of burglaries in specific areas of the City. <br />f. Councilmember Pust reminded citizens of the upcoming RoseFest <br />celebration June 21 - 26, 2007; encouraged citizens to purchase but- <br />tons at $2.00 each; and to check out additional scheduled events on <br />the City's website, particularly the Rose Parade on June 25, 2007. <br /> <br />5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br />a. Recognition - Recognition of McKesson Corporation Employee <br />Volunteers and Official Acceptance of their Materials Donation <br />Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Jill Anfang, introduced repre- <br />sentatives of McKesson Corporation's Roseville and Little Canada of- <br />fices, Mr. Todd Lavett and Mr. Doug Bennett. <br /> <br />Mr. Anfang reviewed the generous donation of the corporation of em- <br />ployee volunteer hours, with 25 employees working in April of this <br />year on various projects throughout the City's park system; and their <br />additional donation of supplies and materials, with a value of ap- <br />proximately $4,000 toward the projects. . <br /> <br />Ms. Anfang thanked Mr. Lavett and Mr. Bennett for coordinating the <br />workers and projects and presented plaques to each for display in their <br />offices to commemorate their service to the community. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing, on behalf of the community, staff and City Council, <br />thanked the McKesson Corporation, and representatives for their gen- <br />erosity. <br /> <br />McKesson representatives, when questioned by Mayor Klausing on <br />how they became involved, advised that it was through a Park De- <br />partment presentation at a Kiwanis meeting, and subsequent meetings <br />with City Park Department staff, that had brought them back; and <br />noted that it had been a team effort and a good experience for all in- <br />volved. <br />