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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Jnne 11,2007 <br />Page 31 <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust advised, from the HRA perspective, the rationale <br />for this model to use public funds more effectively at government pay <br />rates, rather than private consultant fees. Councilmember Pust opined <br />that this structure would also serve to increase communication be- <br />tween City staff and the HRA; and make use of the City's Human Re- <br />source and Payroll functions, with reimbursement by the HRA to the <br />City. Councilmember Pust noted that this position could not be guar- <br />anteed a job for life any more than any City staff was guaranteed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough agreed with in-house staffing for the HRA; <br />but spoke in opposition to the use of HRA monies to fund the posi- <br />tion, preferring the funds come from the City Council or Community <br />Development Department budget. <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with the analysis by Councilmember <br />Pust related to the HRA not having administrative staff to perform <br />Human Resource functions for employees; and spoke in support of <br />funding the position with HRA funds, similar to funding of the Execu- <br />tive Director position, and opined that it made sense to take advantage <br />of the City as fiscal agent for the HRA. <br /> <br />City Manager Malinen, from his management perspective, spoke in <br />support of the request, recognizing the opportunities and challenges of <br />the HRA and how the City can best support the HRA in their endeav- <br />ors. Mr. Malinen advised that, after reviewing various alternatives <br />and their respective advantages and disadvantages, this appeared to be <br />the best alternative, and would serve to make the position more valu- <br />able to the HRA as they develop greater knowledge and familiarity <br />with the community and community housing needs. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her concerns with the position funded <br />by the HRA and not a City employee. <br /> <br />City Manager Malinen observed that, absent the HRA, there would be <br />the need for the City to employ staff to take responsibility for housing <br />programs, as it was an obvious need in the community. Mr. Malinen <br />noted the agreements in place for fiscal and staffing services between <br />the HRA and City, and relative language regarding employees. <br />