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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 11,2007 <br />Page 35 <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe opined his support for the motion; observing that <br />he had suggestions for incorporating additional language, he sought <br />staff's indulgence in taking his comments under advisement, includ- <br />ing those of other Councilmembers provided at tonight's meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe further encouraged individual Councilmembers <br />to presume that proposed changes can get a 4/5 vote, rather than <br />dwelling on negative aspects. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Roe's positive com- <br />ments. <br /> <br />Mr. Stark advised Councilmembers that he would present a copy of <br />tonight's draft meeting minutes to the three firms at their pre-proposal <br />meetings. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Kough; Pust; Roe and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />h. City Budget Calendar - Consider Establishing the 2008 City <br />Budget Calendar <br />Finance Director Chris Miller reviewed past practice for preliminary <br />discussions on goals and priorities in the spring, followed by the City <br />Manager-recommended Budget in mid-July, followed by Department- <br />specific budget presentations leading to adoption of a Preliminary <br />Budget in September. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller advised that, while this process resulted in eventual adop- <br />tion of the budget, from staff's perspective, it was ineffective in plac- <br />ing strategic-level goals and strategies and providing identifiable ac- <br />tions steps driving formulation of an annual budget. Mr. Miller ad- <br />vised that staff was suggesting refining the budget process to be struc- <br />tures to maximize and coordinate the decision-making process, and <br />align resources with expected outcomes. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller provided a proposed 2008 Budget Calendar for Council re- <br />view and comment, incorporating those objectives. Mr. Miller opined <br />that if the Council were supportive of the proposed calendar and proc- <br />