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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 11,2007 <br />Page 37 <br /> <br />cil were going to support the proposed budget calendar and process <br />that they do so, and not deviate from it. <br /> <br />Councilmember lhlan opined that the Council couldn't bind them- <br />selves to not vote on what was included or not included in the budget, <br />if additional programs or initiatives were presented; but should aim to <br />get them to the staff in a timely manner to allow staff adequate time <br />for feedback to the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe opined that this process and calendar didn't bind <br />the Council, but the norms were established, and would require three <br />votes and need to be self-policed. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing observed that staff was seeking a commitment from <br />the City Council, and that his first question if a proposal came forward <br />after the proposed deadline, would be what had changed, and his in- <br />clination would be not to support the request at that time, to avoid los- <br />ing the entire purpose of the refined process. <br /> <br />11. Councilmember-Initiated Items for Future Meetings <br />1) Councilmember Roe - North Suburban Cable Commission recommenda- <br />tion for a "Next Generation Network" <br />2) Councilmember Roe - Reserve Policy discussion <br />3) Councilmember Kough - Welcome to Roseville signage, and possible in- <br />clusion of the League of Women Voters <br />4) Councilmember lhlan - Ordinance Amendment limiting overnight street <br />parking <br />6) Councilmember lhlan - An update on pending development projects in <br />and near the Twin Lakes area; and how to move development forward <br />while incorporating long-range plans for this area <br /> <br />By consensus, the meeting curfew was extended for an additional ten minutes. <br /> <br />j. Ordinance - Consider Revisions to the City Code Relating to <br />Street Parking <br />Councilmember lhlan presented an outline of current street parking <br />policies in neighboring cities; and suggested that the City Council <br />consider amending Roseville City Code to limit overnight street park- <br />ing. Councilmember lhlan suggested that the City's Public Works, <br />