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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that this was a great document, and even <br /> though ambitious, it was needed for marketing the City and moving forward. <br /> Councilmember Johnson sought projections on additional staffing costs required <br /> to accomplish these goals; with Ms. Kelsey responding that estimates for budget <br /> implications were between $50,000 and $60,000 additional dollars. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson as to when in the next 12-24 months <br /> those additional funds would be required; Chair Maschka anticipated that it <br /> would be the far side of twelve (12)months. <br /> With new internet and wireless communication technologies, Councilmember <br /> Johnson opined that it was a "no brainer" to cement bonds with the business <br /> community; and offered his support for those efforts, opining that it was a great <br /> idea; and asked that an asterisk be placed by that one as a high priority; and <br /> suggested that assistance may be available from volunteers within the communi- <br /> ty to accomplish this goal. Councilmember Johnson opined that this was a great <br /> start, and as pointed out by Councilmember Willmus, it was good to differenti- <br /> ate between the green and white boxes on the Action Plan spreadsheet in re- <br /> viewing the numerous goals, both current, I process, and proposed. <br /> As a former HRA Member, Councilmember Pust opined that this looks like a <br /> great process. Councilmember Pust noted the recent community comments on <br /> their preferences for businesses they do and do not want to see in Roseville; and <br /> questioned how the HRA would develop their criteria in pursuing various busi- <br /> nesses. <br /> Chair Maschka opined that the first step would be to talk with existing local <br /> businesses to determine what was and/or was not working for them, and what <br /> they needed. Chair Maschka noted that, for many businesses, this will the first <br /> time, or the first time in a long time since he and former Roseville Mayor Wall <br /> had done so, in them being approached by the City or the City showing any in- <br /> terest in them. Chair Maschka noted that this conversation would also ultimate- <br /> ly need to start by dealing with the question of who and what Roseville is; un- <br /> derstanding that it had a lot of retailers; however, the community seemed to <br /> serve as a great incubator for higher paying, technical jobs, but seemed unable <br /> to retain them when they reached a critical mass and needed to expand. <br /> Regarding a discussion scheduled later on tonight's agenda, Councilmember <br /> Pust asked, from an HRA perspective, their feedback on the number of off-sale <br /> liquor licenses the City should have, currently at ten (10) licenses, all of which <br /> are filled. Councilmember Pust questioned the role of government in creating <br /> that market, or protecting that market; and whether limiting the number served <br />