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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> to protect small businesses or not. While recognizing that a broader discussion <br /> was needed, Councilmember Pust sought HRA comment. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked the HRA for their presentation; opining that <br /> it was a good plan, but she did have several questions. When the HRA was <br /> talking about the rental market, in the past, when rental properties had been <br /> converted into condominiums, they had not been originally well-constructed, re- <br /> sulting in their deterioration almost beyond repair. Going forward, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee asked how the HRA could guarantee good quality rental <br /> properties for the next 100 years; and how to set the bar to determine and retain <br /> that level of quality. <br /> Chair Maschka noted several options would include developing and enforcing <br /> building standards for new construction; and determining when a building be- <br /> came obsolete and needed replacing, and whether or not the marketplace sup- <br /> ported that. From his personal perspective, Chair Maschka opined that devel- <br /> opment of building standards and continuing this type of discussion was a cru- <br /> cial element to accomplish that effort. Chair Maschka opined that future Baby <br /> Boomers were going to seek a different type of senior housing than the high rise <br /> buildings of the past to fit their more active lifestyles and desire to remain in- <br /> volved. Chair Maschka opined that those upcoming seniors would choose rent- <br /> al housing for a lot longer than current seniors did; and discussion on how to <br /> keep those people involved, through volunteering, part-time jobs, changing ca- <br /> reer goals, and other efforts needed to be included in building concepts in the <br /> future. To address deteriorating housing, Chair Maschka suggested that a Trust <br /> may make sense in some situations, similar to that used in the City of Burnsville <br /> recently; however, he suggested there may be a better process and available op- <br /> tions besides condemnation and eviction. Chair Maschka noted the need to look <br /> at the age of the Roseville community, and the construction of those buildings, <br /> some 70-80 years old, not being of the same standards as today's standards. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the need to make improvements to the aging <br /> infrastructure as well, with a significant amount of updating and/or replacement <br /> needed. <br /> Councilmember McGehee, referencing the intergenerational and affordable <br /> housing market, used Sienna Green as an example, of which she had been and <br /> continued to be a critic, due to the lack of amenities (e.g. green space) for the <br /> typical renter in that complex. Councilmember McGehee opined that she <br /> didn't see the type of housing amenities the community would like to offer. <br /> Councilmember McGehee recognized that even though a portion of the complex <br /> was renovated, not newly constructed, she wanted to ensure accessibility and <br /> sprinkler systems even in existing buildings to address safety concerns. <br />