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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> • Retain and attract desirable housing and businesses that lead to employment, <br /> investment and commitment to the community. <br /> Chair Maschka noted some of the action plans for these core principles, provid- <br /> ed in the spread sheet in packet materials; highlighting some of them, including <br /> providing housing for young people to get them into Roseville, confident that <br /> they would then stay here; addressing some significant multi-family housing is- <br /> sues in some areas of the community, especially due to the age of some of those <br /> buildings and complexes; expansion of the NEP program to include commercial <br /> and business properties; and to pro-actively seek economic development oppor- <br /> tunities, as well as seeking to serve the existing business community to obtain <br /> their feedback and address their needs. <br /> Chair Maschka reviewed the HRA's new Mission Statement, included in packet <br /> materials that summarized the core principles noted. Chair Maschka recognized <br /> Member Lee for her suggestion that strategic planning for housing include not <br /> only its current use,but how it can be modified to meet future needs. <br /> With that background, Chair Maschka reviewed the goals and objectives of the <br /> HRA's Strategic Plan for 2012 — 2016, for City Council information and feed- <br /> back on those initiatives; as well as the Action Plan spreadsheet attached. <br /> As a point of clarification, Councilmember and HRA Member Willmus noted <br /> that those items listed in green were already in process and carried forward from <br /> past plans; and those items shown in white were new and resulted from the <br /> 2012-2016 Strategic Planning sessions. <br /> Chair Maschka expounded on some of the goals and objectives, using examples <br /> throughout the community; and based on the brainstorming from those planning <br /> sessions. Chair Maschka noted the need to continue to utilize all the tools avail- <br /> able for these efforts as the market came back (e.g. housing); and to create a <br /> "sense of place" for Roseville and its citizenry. Chair Maschka noted that, due <br /> to this expanded Action Plan, the HRA expected to return to the City Council <br /> with a maximum levy request this year, noting that this ambitious Plan was not <br /> without its cost. <br /> As the newest member of the HRA, Mayor Roe asked Councilmember Willmus <br /> to comment. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recognized that there was a lot on the HRA plate right <br /> now; and while this was the first look for the City Council, as a new HRA <br /> member, he asked that the City Council look over the information, and if any <br /> items raised a flag, to let the HRA know as soon as possible and upfront as they <br /> moved into more detail in planning and staffing discussions. <br />