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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Chair Maschka opined that he would then argue that sprinkler systems be in- <br /> cluded in City Code for renovations as well as new construction. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred; and noted her advocacy attempts for addi- <br /> tional green space for Sienna Green as well, opining that there really wasn't any <br /> there. <br /> Member Masche expressed his understanding that there was a significant court- <br /> yard for use by the residents; with Councilmember McGehee opining that it was <br /> only sixteen feet(16') in diameter with an edge, and really didn't suffice. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she came from past experience for a dif- <br /> ferent model than Sienna Green, and her awareness of market rate housing in <br /> other communities with which she was familiar; with a mix of some units set <br /> aside at standard rates. <br /> Chair Maschka opined that, historically, those had proven the most successful <br /> complexes; and used the opposite end of the spectrum for the towers build in <br /> Chicago, as an example, having become examples of tenements. Chair Mas- <br /> chka spoke in support of integrating parcels for the best success. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that the HRA come forward with recom- <br /> mended policies to incorporate into City Code to bring the building code up-to- <br /> date to accomplish these goals as part of the efforts to market Roseville; and to <br /> avoid examples in multi-family housing such as seen in Chicago and Wayzata. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her strong concern about the Sienna Green <br /> II building and where children would play. Councilmember McGehee ex- <br /> pressed her support for this HRA Strategic Plan, and further expressed her de- <br /> light if the HRA would initiate discussions with the Roseville business commu- <br /> nity. While having requested this several times, Councilmember McGehee stat- <br /> ed that she had been told that it required too much staff time, and suggested that <br /> if the HRA could do it, it would be very nice. <br /> While Councilmember McGehee observed that only a portion of the HRA <br /> Board spoke, Chair Maschka assured her and the City Council that the discus- <br /> sions during the Strategic Planning sessions had been very lively and provided a <br /> free-for-all for each member to express their viewpoints. <br /> Referencing a discussion held at a recent City Council meeting upon reappoint- <br /> ing HRA Members Maschka and Majerus, Councilmember Johnson sought the <br /> HRA Board's opinion on term limits for this group, currently not restricted, <br /> with other citizen advisory commissions held to two (2), three (3) year terms. <br /> For future reference, Councilmember Johnson sought input from the HRA. <br />