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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Chair Maschka noted that there had been good turnover on the HRA Board to- <br /> date; recognizing that term limits had their pros and cons; with one of the posi- <br /> tives being one of historical significance and continuity. Chair Maschka alluded <br /> to the various resources and expertise brought to the Board by the current group: <br /> from banking and finance, to other qualities. Chair Maschka opined that this <br /> current group was a very good, dynamic group; and given the amount of turno- <br /> ver to-date had not allowed the Board to become stagnant. Chair Maschka not- <br /> ed that the history and new ideas combined to make a very dynamic organiza- <br /> tion; and opined that he would hate to put in an artificial term limit. <br /> Member Vicki Lee concurred with Chair Maschka, opining that there was great <br /> synergy going in the group; and if that was not evident, the HRA Board might <br /> have a different opinion. <br /> Chair Maschka opined that, to-date,he did not think turnover had been an issue. <br /> Member Masche opined that it depended on the number of volunteer applicants <br /> interested in serving; and since it was a Mayoral appointment, he didn't see that <br /> the Board could self-perpetuate themselves in any way. <br /> As a relatively new member of the HRA, Member Kelly Quam opined that it <br /> was of great benefit to her to have the institutional history in place; further opin- <br /> ing that the group was well-integrated; and was without prohibitions or bounds <br /> in expressing their views and opinions, as well as their differing perspectives. <br /> Member Quam opined that the body worked very well. <br /> Councilmember Johnson thanked HRA Members for their responses. <br /> Mayor Roe, in terms of the proposed Strategic Plan and the HRA's request for <br /> City Council feedback; he opined that he didn't envision the HRA going off on <br /> their own once the Plan was in place. <br /> Chair Maschka assured Mayor Roe and Councilmembers that the HRA as a <br /> body viewed this Strategic Plan as a dynamic partnership of the City Council <br /> and HRA; and had no intention of moving forward without the support of the <br /> City Council. <br /> Member Lee opined that the HRA is an asset for the City Council and the com- <br /> munity; providing a body of experts in their various fields, serving to enhance <br /> the work of the elected body to make better use of their time and energy. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, that he envisioned this Strategic Plan as a partnership of <br /> the City Council and HRA, especially given the number of pieces involved; <br /> opining that there was no way the HRA could do this by themselves, without it <br />