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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 14 <br /> being a team effort of the City Council and HRA. Mayor Roe noted compari- <br /> sons between the HRA Strategic Plan and that of the City Council (e.g. make <br /> better connections with the business community); and noted that it was difficult <br /> to find time to organize such efforts as a Councilmember and/or Mayor; and <br /> suggested that a way for the City Council to accomplish those efforts was <br /> through helping with additional staffing requests, as indicated in the HRA Ac- <br /> tion Plan. Mayor Roe noted that, as the City Council saw the proposal come <br /> forward for the upcoming HRA levies that would serve to alert the City Council <br /> of the needs and efforts of the HRA. Mayor Roe noted that this would have <br /> ramifications for Roseville taxpayers, and that this would be an area of concern <br /> during discussions and in determining the goals and needs of the community as <br /> a whole. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted the spreadsheet figures, and the estimated costs <br /> listed at the bottom of the chart to implement those goals and strategies. Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus asked that, if there were areas of concern for individual <br /> Councilmembers about those costs, that they make it over clear over the next <br /> week or month to the HRA. Councilmember Willmus suggested one way to <br /> keep the communication more consistent among the HRA and City Council <br /> would be, instead of the HRA Chair's quarterly update to the City council, the <br /> City Council and HRA Board get more aggressive, and have a sit-down quarter- <br /> ly, if not more frequently, to compare notes on the direction moving forward. <br /> Chair Maschka concurred with Councilmember Willmus' suggestion; especially <br /> as projects moved forward. <br /> Mayor Roe, related to the budget, asked the HRA to review other funding <br /> sources if appropriate to implement as a City, other than through a levy; using <br /> the City of St. Louis Park as an example; and other ideas gleaned from other <br /> communities; and to bring those forward to the City Council at their earliest <br /> convenience. <br /> Chair Maschka noted that this Action Plan required some of that drilling down <br /> yet; as brought up by Councilmember Pust, do we know what we have and what <br /> is working in Roseville; going beyond the talking points and how to facilitate <br /> the Action Plan. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chair Maschka clarified that the <br /> proposed additional levy request was an additional $350,000, recognizing the <br /> maximum HRA levy limits under State Statute as a percentage of the City's to- <br /> tal levy capacity. Chair Maschka advised that where the current HRA budget is <br /> at for the end of the third quarter of 2012 would determine the timeline going <br /> into 2013 and 2014 and the rate of speed for moving forward. Chair Maschka <br />