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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 23 <br /> garage situated 2.5 feet from the property line, while recognizing some inaccu- <br /> racies of the survey at this time for the parcel at 2253 Dellwood. <br /> Mr. Lloyd clarified that, if the garage was found to actually be closer to the lot <br /> line than the regulated 5', the subdivision could not be approved without some <br /> remedy to that situation, whether removal, relocation, a variance, or shifting <br /> property line boundaries to the west for additional room. Mr. Lloyd noted that <br /> one of the recommended conditions from staff was specifically related to this is- <br /> sue. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that, as long as the parcel remains residential <br /> and retained some type of garage, she was amenable. However, as things con- <br /> tinue to change over time, Councilmember McGehee sought assurances that the <br /> parcel could not be changed to provide another egress/ingress into that site, <br /> since it was in a residential neighborhood and would only create truck traffic be- <br /> tween two (2) residential homes. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that the safeguard against such a possibility was that the <br /> main entrance to Brown-Wilbert had a signal light; and the neighborhood to the <br /> east was smaller residential streets and a cul-de-sac; and would serve to no ad- <br /> vantage to the firm at all. <br /> Councilmember McGehee sought more of a guarantee than what staff perceived <br /> could or could not happen, with that guarantee regulated by retaining residential <br /> zoning without any future option to change that zoning designation. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Attorney Gaughan advised that, as a residen- <br /> tial parcel, any regularity for ingress/egress that would create a business use or <br /> activity in a residential area would not be allowed. However, City Attorney <br /> Gaughan advised that an additional condition could be applied to the subdivi- <br /> sion to prohibit ingress/egress into that property at 2253 Dellwood Street. <br /> Staff recommends approval of the RECOMBINATION MINOR SUBDIVI- <br /> SION, as detailed in the Request for Council Action dated July 23, 2012. <br /> Applicant <br /> Bruce Bratan, President, and Jack Ascheman, Vice President of Brown- <br /> Wilbert, Inc. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe as whether they had any concern with an addition- <br /> al condition preventing ingress/egress, Mr. Bratan advised that they had no <br /> problem with such a condition; and clarified that their intent was to sell the <br /> home as a residence. <br />