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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Mr. Aschemanadvised that the adjacent house at 2263 Dellwood was located <br /> two feet (2') off the boundary with the garage off a ten foot (10') easement that <br /> could not be used. Mr. Ascheman questioned if the City was going to force <br /> their firm to obtain a variance, or if other options were available for them to <br /> pursue. Mr. Ascheman noted that the application was for a one foot (1') vari- <br /> ance; and asked if the City could allow such a deviation if they guaranteed they <br /> weren't going to use that area. Mr. Ascheman noted the hardship caused by this <br /> additional easement, with other properties not losing any of their land for the <br /> easement. <br /> Mayor Roe confirmed that the recommendation was for a condition of approval <br /> that did not create a non-conforming use; and provided a number of options if <br /> the survey determined the actual footage. Mayor Roe clarified that the reason a <br /> variance was not being considered tonight was that the City Council was not the <br /> body to grant variances; and based on multiple options available, the City <br /> Council was therefore trying to accomplish the same thing through conditions, <br /> while not making it too restrictive. However, Mayor Roe noted that, as part of <br /> the process, the applicant would need to find an option that worked. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Jim Tschida,2247 Dellwood <br /> Mr. Tschida, as an adjacent resident to the site, expressed his concern with the <br /> garage not having the required five foot (5') setback. <br /> Further, Mr. Tschida expressed concern that he, and the neighbors, had not re- <br /> ceived this information until today; and asked that action be tabled until the <br /> neighborhood had more time to get together and discuss this. Mr. Tschida ad- <br /> vised that he had talked to Mr. Lloyd several times this spring when rumors of <br /> the land purchase were heard and a surveying company was seeking information <br /> from neighbors, and that was the last he had heard. Now, with the application <br /> before the City Council, Mr. Tschida opined that he and his neighbors were <br /> concerned that they had not had more time to review this application. Some of <br /> the questions Mr. Tschida brought forward included the fence on the north side <br /> of the property, whether it would remain,be removed or moved onto his proper- <br /> ty line, since he already has a three foot (3') fence there. Mr. Tschida noted that <br /> the Dellwood parcel would be landlocked and unable to be used for any other <br /> purpose, unless the applicant sought a variance to expand their business. Mr. <br /> Tschida opined that the only useful purpose for the parcel was for residential <br /> use. <br /> Mr. Tschida referenced Section 6.0 of the staff report addressing public com- <br /> ment; however, he questioned how much, if any, contact the applicant had with <br /> adjacent property owners, since the first time many became aware of it was to- <br /> day. Mr. Tschida noted that the neighborhood had just received a letter from <br />