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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 25 <br /> staff about two (2) weeks before regarding water issues in the neighborhood, <br /> and possible remedies. Mr. Tschida opined that some of this runoff was created <br /> by expansion on the library site. Mr. Tschida expressed concern of what this <br /> proposal would do to further that storm water runoff issue, even though assured <br /> by the City's Engineering Department that it should not impact them at al. Mr. <br /> Tschida noted the ponding currently occurring, and questioned such guarantees <br /> without further review and discussion. While staff is considering further reme- <br /> dies in 2013 to address the runoff, Mr. Tschida noted that this project will al- <br /> ready be completed. <br /> Mr. Tschida reiterated his request to table action on this until neighborhood <br /> concerns are addressed. <br /> Donald Wright,2271 Dellwood <br /> As the resident directly behind the vault company, Mr. Wright noted that his <br /> main concern always had been, and remained, that of water. While some storm <br /> water projects are in process by the City, Mr. Wright opined that snow storage <br /> by the applicant did create problems in the neighborhood, especially in the <br /> spring with snow melt, even though the staff report (Section 5.3) suggested that <br /> any storm water runoff problems are not caused by the applicant. However, Mr. <br /> Wright advised that the applicant stored their snow on the easement behind <br /> 2271 and 2263, where snow melt did create runoff issues. Mr. Wright opined <br /> that, while agreeing that spreading the snow out may help, to state that the ap- <br /> plicant was not part of the problem was inaccurate. Also, Mr. Wright opined <br /> that, with the storm drains in place back there, they were not capable of taking <br /> that amount of water, partly due to the applicant's property consisting of mostly <br /> pavement or structures, and the water needing to run somewhere. <br /> Mr. Wright referenced Section 5.1 of the staff report stating that the proposal <br /> did not reach the threshold for storm water mitigation; however, he opined that <br /> special consideration was needed in this case; and concurred with Mr. Tschida <br /> that the neighborhood needed more time to review this application and potential <br /> ramifications. Mr. Wright opined that more neighbors are interested in the situa- <br /> tion, based on his discussions with them; however, they were unable to attend <br /> tonight's meeting given the limited time they had in becoming aware of it. Mr. <br /> Wright reiterated his request to delay action for the neighborhood to seek addi- <br /> tional information. <br /> Mayor Roe asked staff to address the public notice process; the potential <br /> fence/screening of the property to the south; and snow storage in relation to <br /> storm water runoff. <br /> Regarding public notice requirements, Mr. Lloyd noted that this was a Minor <br /> Subdivision, with no additional parcels created, and requiring no formal notifi- <br />